The Way of CI/CD is a project from which you can assemble your custom pipeline by using different pieces of code or by including entire stages. This project serves as a builder for creating pipelines in GitLab.
- 399dmitr933Russia, Dzherzhinsk
- alekseype
- andreydorozhkinhybrid.ai
- artemkrim1T4Y
- azzeph
- chernovchernovMoscow
- churneyaMoscow
- d-nemi
- denisborisovKazakhstan
- dr-clinker
- eakmv
- evgeniy-kharchenkoRaiffeisenbank
- f3035Solar system
- franchb
- greywolfs
- hamman3223Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- hdhog
- IgorSvazincev
- ikurochkin@enablingteam
- justmvv
- k-lovtsov
- K0zich
- kkiryakov
- LagoDiLana
- m0rtis
- mikespartan
- mnozhaevGrozny
- nizepart
- prokopenya
- s3rius@Intreecom
- SogeMogeGeorgia
- suslick
- valentinafomLiverpool
- verteen
- yoyojin-tcs
- ysavchenSt. Petersburg