One TI merupakan website yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pencarian smartphone android berbasiskan semantik web menggunakan Codeigniter dan Fuseki Jena
- Pencarian smartphone berdasarkan budget yang dimiliki
- Pencarian smartphone berdasarkan merek
Follow these steps to run this Project on your local computer
- Install composer client in your machine
- Open terminal/cmd, cd to this project, then type
composer update
. This will download dependencies that requires.
You can use fuseki as your Sparql server. Start the fuseki server, Try this code
$fuseki_server = "http://localhost:3030"; // change this to your fuseki server address
$fuseki_sparql_db = "database"; // change this to your fuseki Sparql database
$endpoint = $fuseki_server."/".$fuseki_sparql_db."/query";
$sc = new BorderCloud\SPARQL\SparqlClient();
$q = "SELECT ?sub ?pred ?obj WHERE { ?sub ?pred ?obj } LIMIT 10";
$rows = $sc->query($q, 'rows');
$err = $sc->getErrors();
if ($err) {
throw new Exception(print_r($err, true));
foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
printf("%s", $variable);
echo '|';
echo "\n";
foreach ($rows["result"]["rows"] as $row) {
foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
printf("%s", $row[$variable]);
echo '|';
echo "\n";
Fauzi Faruq Nabbani - 140810160007 - Fauzifaruqn
Muhammad Raihan Akbar - 140810160013 - RaihanAk
Muhammad Rifqy Aulia Akbar - 140810160055 - Rifqy7x
Final term project Semantic Web.