
smart api automation framework to support web service api automaton test based on testng and httpclient

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Smart-api-framework - a light, common http api automation framework

Smart-api-framework is a light, common http api automation framework based on TestNG and HttpClient.

  • Tags: TestNG, HttpClient, XML, API, Automation, Test, Keyword-driver


  • Support keyword-driver, no coding and easy to config
  • Support to execute run/debug test from xml directly due to the intellij idea plugin Aping
  • Support restful web server such as get, post, put and delete http method
  • Support concurrent
  • Re-run failed test cases
  • Easy integration with CI system



XML Structure

TestSuite -- config test url and httpMethod
    Function -- shared method for all case in current suite, only init once
        Before -- preset environment such as database
        Setup -- config setup url and httpMethod, such as login action
            Param -- config setup parameters
        Headers -- config request headers 
            Header -- config Header parameters
            Cookie -- config Cookie parameters
        Param -- config test parameters
        ExpectResults -- config expect result
            Contain	-- assert actual result contain specify string
            Pair -- assert actual result contain specify key-value
            AssertTrue -- assert expression is true
        After -- reset environment


   Support shared function for all case in current suite, only init once

<TestSuite url="getMethod?" httpMethod="get">
    <Function name="suiteFunctionValue" clsName="test.java.LogicHandler" methodName="getSuiteFunctionValue" arguments="7936160"/>
    <Function name="SuiteFunctionMap" clsName="test.java.LogicHandler" methodName="getSuiteFunctionMap"/>
    <TestCase name="getMethod" desc="getMethod">
            <Function clsName="test.java.LogicHandler" methodName="update" arguments="1,0"/>
        <Setup name="setup" url="login" httpMethod="post">
            <Param name="username" value="13636426195">
            <Param name="password" value="bddeaa7037632c856a6b83e4037f314a" />
            <Header name="m-appkey" value="4272" />
            <Cookie name="unb" value="2020967487" />
        <Param name="parameter1" value="#setup.errorCode+1#" />
        <Param name="parameter2" value="#suiteFunctionValue#" />
        <Param name="parameter3" value="#SuiteFunctionMap.key#" />
                return "约课成功";
                return "约课失败";#</Pair>
            <Function clsName="test.java.LogicHandler" methodName="reset"/>

   Support function/sql action in before/after

<TestSuite url="V1/Students/login" httpMethod="post">
    <TestCase name="data1" desc="更改手机号登录">
            <Function clsName="test.java.LogicHandler" methodName="changeStudentsMobile" arguments="1"/>
            <Sql>update ebk_students set mobile=18078788787 where id=123456;</Sql>
        <Param name="username" value="#sql1.mobile#">
            <Sql name="sql">select trim(mobile) as mobile,password from ebk_students where id=123456;
        <Param name="password" value="#sql.password#" />
            <Function clsName="test.java.LogicHandler" methodName="resertStudentMobile"/>
            <Sql>update ebk_students set mobile=888888888 where id=123456;</Sql>

   Support execute setup action before execution of test method

<TestSuite url="V1/ClassRecords/bookClass/" httpMethod="put">
  <TestCase name="data1" desc="约课成功">
        <Setup name="setup1" url="V1/Students/login/" httpMethod="post">
            <Param name="username" value="#sql1.mobile#">
                <Sql name="sql1">select id,mobile,password from ebk_students where status=1 and acoin>100 
                and level is not null;
            <Param name="password" value="#sql1.password#" />
        <Param name="cid" value="#sql4.id#">
            <Sql name="sql4">select id from ebk_class_records where status=0 and begin_time>unix_timestamp()
             and free_try=0 ;

   Support get param's value from setup action response

<TestSuite url="V1/ClassRecords/bookClass/" httpMethod="put">
  <TestCase name="data1" desc="约课成功">
        <Setup name="setup1" url="V1/Students/login/" httpMethod="post">
            <Param name="username" value="#sql1.mobile#">
                <Sql name="sql1">select id,mobile,password from ebk_students where status=1 and acoin>100 
                and level is not null;
            <Param name="password" value="#sql1.password#" />
        <Param name="cid" value="#setup1.id#" />

   Support to get param's value from sql/function

<TestSuite url="V1/Students/login" httpMethod="post">
    <TestCase name="data3" desc="登录成功">
        <Param name="username" value="#sql1.mobile#">
            <Sql name="sql">select trim(mobile) as mobile from ebk_students where password =
                'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e'  and tx_sig_expiredtime> curdate()+86400;
        <Param name="password" value="e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e" />
        <Param name="code">
            <Function clsName="test.java.LogicHandler" methodName="codeGenerator" arguments="test"/>

   Support Pair/Contain/AssertTrue type for expect results

<TestSuite url="V1/Students/login" httpMethod="post">
    <TestCase name="data3" desc="登录成功">
            <Sql name="sql">select trim(mobile) as mobile from ebk_students where password =
                            'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e'  and tx_sig_expiredtime> curdate()+86400;
            <Function name="code" clsName="test.java.LogicHandler" methodName="codeGenerator" />

   Support sql/function for expect results

<TestSuite url="V1/Students/login" httpMethod="post">
    <TestCase name="data3" desc="登录成功">
            <Sql name="sql">select trim(mobile) as mobile from ebk_students where password =
                            'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e'  and tx_sig_expiredtime> curdate()+86400;
            <Function name="code" clsName="test.java.LogicHandler" methodName="codeGenerator" />

   Support regular expression for expect result in contain/pair both

<TestSuite url="V2/ClassRecords/classDetail/" httpMethod="get">
    <TestCase name="GetClassDetailSuccess" desc="获取数据成功">
         <Param name="username" value="#sql.mobile#">
             <Sql name="sql">select c.begin_time as begin_time,s.mobile as mobile ,password,c.id as cid 
             from ebk_students as s left join ebk_class_records as c ON s.id = c.sid limit 100;
        <Param name="password" value="#sql.password#" />
        <Param name="cid" value="#sql.cid#" />

   Support execute repeated times(invocationCount)

<TestSuite url="V1/Students/login" httpMethod="post" invocationCount="2000">
    <TestCase name="data1" desc="更改手机号登录">
        <Param name="username" value="#sql1.mobile#">
            <Sql name="sql">select trim(mobile) as mobile,password from ebk_students where id=123456;
        <Param name="password" value="#sql.password#" />

   Support request headers

<TestSuite url="V1/Students/login" httpMethod="post">
    <TestCase name="data1" desc="更改手机号登录">
            <Header name="Content-Type" value="application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" />
            <Cookie name="PHPSESSIONID" value="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" />
        <Param name="key" value="value" />

Demo project please refer to smart-api-automation-example


Charlie https://github.com/zhuyecao321
Niki https://github.com/ZhangyuBaolu
Wind https://github.com/lwfwind