
analyze audio files and estimate the frequecy of A4 (concert pitch)

Primary LanguagePython

A4 Analyzer

This was originally the term project of the Signal and System course of E.E, Tsinghua University in 2019.

This tool that can analyze audio files and estimate the frequecy of A4 (i.e. concert pitch).


  • Draw spectrograms with pitch lines and frequecy & note scales.
  • Estimate the frequency of A4 automatically (in silent mode)
  • Estimate the frequency of A4 interactively (with selected notes)


  • python 3

  • colorama

  • librosa

  • matplotlib

  • numpy


usage: a4_analyzer.py [-h] [-s] [-o OFFSET] [-d DURATION] filename

This tool can analyze audio files and estimate the frequecy of A4.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --silent          process the given audio file silently
  -o OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
                        the offset of the audio to process, default 0
  -d DURATION, --duration DURATION
                        the duration of the audio to process. It will 
                        process to the end if the argument is not used