
[ICCV 2023] The code used in our paper "Deep Image Harmonization with Learnable Augmentation", ICCV2023.

Primary LanguagePython

SycoNet: Domain Adaptive Image Harmonization

This is the official repository for the following paper:

Deep Image Harmonization with Learnable Augmentation [arXiv]

Li Niu, Junyan Cao, Wenyan Cong, Liqing Zhang
Accepted by ICCV 2023.

SycoNet can generate multiple plausible synthetic composite images based on a real image and a foreground mask, which is useful to construct pairs of synthetic composite images and real images for harmonization. We release the SycoNet inference code.



Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:bcmi/SycoNet-Adaptive-Image-Harmonization.git

Install Anaconda and create a virtual environment:

conda create -n syconet python=3.6
conda activate syconet

Install PyTorch:

conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 torchaudio==0.10.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge

Install necessary packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Build Trilinear:

cd trilinear_cpp
sh setup.sh

Modify CUDA_HOME as your own path in setup.sh. You can refer to this repository for more solutions.


Download SycoNet model pretrained_net_Er.pth and 3D LUTs pretrained_net_LUTs.pth pretrained on the whole iHarmony4 training set from Baidu Cloud (access code:o4rt) or GoogleDrive. Put them in the folder checkpoints\syco.

Test on a single image

Modify real and mask in demo_test.sh as your own real image path and foreground mask path respectively. Modify augment_num as your expected number of generated composite images per pair of real image and foreground mask. Then, run the following command:

sh demo_test_single.sh

Our SycoNet could generate composite images for the input real image and foreground mask in the folder results\syco\test_pretrained.

Test on iHarmony4 dataset

Download iHarmony4 and modify dataset_root, dataset_name in demo_test_iHarmony4.sh as your own dataset path. Then, run the following command:

sh demo_test_iHarmony4.sh

Our SycoNet could generate composite images for the input real images and foreground masks in the specified dataset in the folder results\syco\test_pretrained.

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