Sachiel is a messaging framework built on top of Google's Protocol Buffers. The goal of this framework is to let developers easily setup and deploy APIs inside their applications (regardless of language) without any headache. Use cases for Sachiel include setting up APIs for your IPC or network messaging.
Install via NuGet: Install-Package sachiel-net
- C#
- Typescript
- Php (in progress)
- Java (not started)
- C++ (not started)
- Ruby (not started)
- Python (not started)
If you wish to help port Sachiel to another langauge feel free, we're happy to link from this repo.
This library makes use of protobuf-net; you should take some time to read over it.
Consumers are a way to handle individual messages for a particular connection or user. Here is an example of what a Consumer can look like:
internal class ExampleConsumer : Consumer
public override object SyncObject { get; set; }
public override void Reply(PacketCallback packet)
var session = (IWebSocketSession) SyncObject;
if (session != null && session.State == WebSocketState.Open)
Console.WriteLine("Replied to endpoint: " + packet.Endpoint);
Consumers contain a SyncObject; this object is set at initialization can is usually something that allows you to reply to the calling user/connection. In this example its a WebSocketSession, so a message can be sent back to the calling WebSocketSession. The PacketCallback is explained in "Creating A Handler" below.
For this example let's say we need an endpoint for requesting a file tree from a remote computer based on the path. Creating your endpoint model is this simple:
[SachielEndpoint(Name = "RequestFileTree", Handler = typeof(FilePacketHandler))]
public class RequestFileTree : Message
public string Path { get; set; }
Each endpoint is designated a name and handler via the SachielEndpoint
attribute. The handler is executed when the message is successfully deserialized, this is where custom handling logic and replying will take place.
You'll need to mark your models with the ProtoContract
attribute and sort your ProtoMember
members accordingly. Only models that implement Message
can be serialized.
You'll likely want to perform actions on incoming messages, to do this you can create a handler and assign it to your endpoint. Here is an example of a handler:
internal class FilePacketHandler : PacketHandler
private PacketCallback _callback;
private Consumer _consumer;
private Message _message;
private Packet _packet;
public override void HandlePacket(Consumer consumer, Packet packet)
_consumer = consumer;
_packet = packet;
_message = _packet.Message;
_callback = new PacketCallback {Endpoint = _message.Header.Endpoint };
switch (_message.Header.Endpoint)
case "RequestFileTree":
private void HandleFileTree()
//cast our deserialized source to its original model
var fileRequest = (RequestFileTree) _message.Source;
Console.WriteLine($"Request for {fileRequest.Path} received");
//create a response
var response = new TreeResponse {Tree = new FileTree(fileRequest.Path)};
//serialize the response
_callback.Response = response.Serialize();
//reply with our file tree
Each handler can contain logic for multiple endpoints, so it's recommended you make use of the message headers.
Messages contain headers, these headers dictate which endpoint the message is destined for and a sync key to associate a response with a message.
You have a different options when creating messages, and sync keys are completely optional.
You can create a serialized message in a static fashion with an existing model:
Message.Serialized("MyEndPoint", "MySyncKey", MyModel);
Or as a model:
[SachielHeader(Endpoint = "TreeResponse")]
internal class TreeResponse : Message
public FileTree Tree { get; set; }
At which point you can call TreeResponse.Serialize()
You can find more information by reading the documentation of the Message
For handlers and endpoints to be known, you'll need to make use of the PacketLoader
. When calling PacketLoader.SavePackets
it will loop over classes marked with SachielEndpoint
and serialize them to a Message. You can then save this to a stream of your choice. At run time you will call PacketLoader.LoadPackets
which will load your serialize endpoints from the raw buffer.
When receiving a packet, you'll want to pass the buffer to Packet.GetPacket
, simple as that.
var packet = Packet.GetPacket(data);
This documentation and framework is a WIP. If you'd like to contribute we'll be happy to accept pull request. You can find a full example application in the repository.