
Welcome to Control Your Crowd!

Control Your Crowd (CYC) is a desktop application used for managing crowd levels at any locations or events. Users can interact with it using a Command Line Interface (CLI).

CYC allows efficient tracking and accessing of visitors' profiles. Users can also easily check-in and check out a visitor, get the current crowd level, limit the venue capacity, save the visitor log for future references, and much more! CYC is an all-in-one application to help event management team, event organizers for events such as Ultra Music Festival manage crowd level with ease. It also works very well for small enterprises and mall management team that needs to monitor influx of visitors.

Quick Start


  • Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer. If you do not have, you can get it from here.
  1. Download the latest version of CYC.jar from here.

  2. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your CYC.

  3. Open up a command window to the location where your CYC.jar is located.

  4. Run the command java -jar CYC.jar [VENUE_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY]. For example, java -jar CYC.jar 500.

    • Ensure that the VENUE_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY entered is a positive integer that does not exceed 6 digits.
      • You can enter input the VENUE_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY with or without quotations. For example, 500 and "500" will both work.
    • When you are running the CYC.jar again, ensure that the [venue maximum capacity] is more than the current number of visitors checked in. Failure to do so will lead to negative maximum venue capacity.
  5. If the setup is correct, you should see CYC being loaded as shown below (note: your version of CYC would be the latest version).


  6. Input the command in the command window and press Enter to execute it. Refer to Features for details of each command.

Tips and Additional Notes:

  • Maximize the command line window to ensure that you get to make use of the visuals of CYC CLI.
  • Do NOT edit the LogFile.txt, TrackingList.txt or History.txt files.
    • You are only allowed to copy the contents of the History.txt file.

Useful links: