
resolve the bottomSheetDialog have more than one fragments do not scrolling child bug

Primary LanguageJava


resolve the bottomSheetDialog have more than one fragments do not scrolling child bug

How to Use

  • Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  • Add the dependency
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.RainyJiang22:ViewPagerBottomSheetBehavior:1.0.1'
  • you should make your BottomSheetFragment to extends the BaseSheetDialogFragment and interface CallBackScrollChild,like this
class ContentSheetFragment :
    BaseSheetDialogFragment<FragmentContentBinding, EmptyViewModel>(),
  • it have override a function,make the behavior to invalidate
  override fun backScrollChild(scrollChild: View) {
  • Then,if your have more fragments ,every fragment should have this interface callback , At the fragment's onVisible to change the scrollChildView(recyclerView/listView/other scroll view),like this
override fun onVisible() {
    binding?.rvFirst?.let { callBackScrollChild?.backScrollChild(it) }

If you have know more about this project ,please Check On and look the example