
Provides the frame-perfect OnRoundConcluded global forward for Neotokyo plugin developers.

Primary LanguageSourcePawnGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Provides the frame-perfect OnRoundConcluded global forward for Neotokyo plugin developers.

Build requirements

For plugin developers


In NT, we have the native events game_round_start and game_round_end for tracking game state. The problem with game_round_end is that it triggers right before the next game_round_start, so it can rarely be usefully utilized for detecting the moment a round has reached its conclusion. This leads to most plugins that need this state rolling their own solutions, ending up in duplicate work and a source for bugs. This plugin looks to alleviate that, by exposing a global forward that other plugins can listen to for easily capturing this info.


 * Triggers when a round that has started with >0 players in both player teams
 * (TEAM_JINRAI and TEAM_NSF), ends.
 * Note that this will also trigger for rounds that end during the freeze time
 * due to all players in Jinrai and/or NSF disconnecting or dying before the round
 * could start proper.
 * @param winner    Integer value of the winner team index, or TEAM_NONE if the round ended in a tie.
function void OnRoundConcluded(int winner);

Note that you don't need an include file to use this forward; just declare it as public, as in the example code below.

Example use

#include <sourcemod>

// The Neotokyo TEAM_... index definitions are provided by the neotokyo.inc include
#include <neotokyo>

// Optional; use if the OnRoundConcluded is critical to your plugin
public void OnAllPluginsLoaded()
    if (FindConVar("sm_onroundconcluded_version") == null)
        SetFailState("This plugin requires the \"NEOTOKYO OnRoundConcluded Event\" plugin");

public void OnRoundConcluded(int winner)
    // The winner index cannot be TEAM_SPECTATOR, but defining for completeness in this example.
    char teams[][] = {
        "none", "spectator", "Jinrai", "NSF"

    PrintToServer("Round concluded; winner is: %s", teams[winner]);


  • This forward is game mode agnostic, and takes no stance on whether the ghost was captured or not. Use the OnGhostCapture forward for detecting a ghost capture, instead.

  • The forward is not an Event, and as such you can't intercept it with Plugin_Handled/Plugin_Stop etc. If you want to manipulate the team score, you'll have to do so manually after receiving the forward.