
Journey thorugh Intro to Parallel Programming

Primary LanguageC++

Udacity's Intro to parallel programming course

Installation Steps

  • Install opencv, no need to bother with PATH variables, just hard code it to the cmakelists file
  • Just remember to set your path env variable correctly, otherwise you'll have to sett OPENCV_DIR mannually D:
  • Install VS BuildTools, tested with 15.4
  • Install cudaToolkit, 9.0 coz Tensorflow likes it.
  • Install cmake and add to PATH

To be able to build cuda in win10:

Use cmake and then msbuild, do not forget to set up PATH properly, point to VS15 win64, compare with your OpenCV env variable, coz it might crash if unset

cd "Problem Set {n}"
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 win64" ..
msbuild .\HW{n}.sln

Remember msbuild /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release .\HW{n}.sln for Release :D else you can do it using cmake :P cmake --build . and for release cmake --build . --config Release


Quick Notes

  • Problem Set 2 For using dynamic size shared variables when doing convolutions, refer to the example provided here