
Web Scraping Image Classification Application to automate finding the prettiest homes. 2018 University of Oxford Hackathon.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Using a dataset of various room images with a rating of their beauty, a model learns to predict how aesthetically pleasing and desirable given rooms look. Given this, this application aids users and especially students to easily and quickly find respectable places to rent by web scraping property-sites and applying the machine learning model to evaluate which properties rate the highest, finding the user the most aesthetically pleasing places while still being affordable, saving them a great number of hours searching through the vast web.

As an alternative to housing price prediction models, which do not factor in the aesthetics of properties, this application can also be used by letting landlords to easily explore housing situations in the same area as their own property in a unique way to get a better understanding of how good their property rates against the competition and to uncover whether their selling factors require changes.