
Python Interface for Subgraph Vega

Primary LanguageJava

Python Interface for Vega

This code adds a rudimentary Python interface to Vega using py4j. With this, it is possible to automatically configure and run scans as well as getting the results of Vega. An installation guidline for Ubuntu 16.04 is given here. You may also have a look at the installation instructions for Vega given here.

An example of how to use the Python interface is presented in the following (and can also be found in example.py). Values that can be set for Vega can be found in MyScanExecutor and AlertExporter.

import subprocess as sp
import time
import shlex
import shutil
import os

from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway
from py4j.java_collections import ListConverter

target = ""
result_path = "./results"
authentication = "admin:admin"
vega_path = "/path/to/vega/Vega"
#seconds to wait for Vega to start
wait_time = 10

# checking if xvfb exists
if(shutil.which("xvfb-run") == None):
	raise MissingDependency('xvfb cannot be found. Please install xvfb to use the python interface of Vega.')

# run vega
cmd = "xvfb-run -a " + vega_path
#process gets a new group ID so it can be stopped (including all additional created processes) later
vega_process = sp.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), preexec_fn=os.setsid)
print("Started Vega from %s" % str(vega_path))

# init vega classes
gateway = JavaGateway()
scanex = gateway.entry_point.getMyScanExecutor()
alertExporter = gateway.entry_point.getAlertExporter()

# set values



	os.killpg(os.getpgif(process.pid), signatl.SIGTERM)
except Exception: