Team Members : 1) Rahul Raj 2) Rakesh Kunapareddy 3) Solana A M
Objectives : To Get the user details and validating it To validate welcome message and getting the names of the languages To get the details from GSD page, for default and randomly selected two countries
In this project we have created 10 class :-
#Technology|Automation Used:
- Selenium WebDriver and it's Concepts
- TestNG FrameWork and it's Concepts
- Core Java Concepts
- Page Object Model(POM) Concepts
- Maven POI tools
- Extent Report and TestNG Report
- Cross Browser Testing Concepts(Chrome and Edge Browsers used)
- Screenshots for every test cases
#Key Automation Scope:
1. WindowHandlings
2. ScrollDown
3. WorkingWithExcel(using XSSF package)
4. ImplicitWait
5. Dropdowns
6. Capture images wherever required
The Goal of this project is to automate the process of Openining GSD(Global Service Desk) from One Cognizant portal using Selenium with Java framework. Additionally, it involves picking up the User details when we first open the Be Cognizant url. We should search for GSD from one cognizant portal and click on the GSD link that appears, from there print the Default Language and Country selected. also,print all the languages present in the Dropdown. Verify the Welcome Message text in GSD page. for Default country selected get all the GSD details on the console. coming to the next step, select two countries randomly from countries dropdown and print all the GSD details of the two countries.