Automated Email Scheduling APP

Hosted link
API Documentation - Click here to see how to test the APIs

List of APIs created:

  • Create User

    • A user can register himself on the system.
    • A user can login on the system (With JWT Tokens Stored in the Cookies).
    • A user can logout on the system.
  • Schedule Emails

    • User can schedule emails using date and time (UTC).
      • A user can send Recipient's email address, Subject of the email, Body of the email and Attachments along with the emails.
    • User can get all the upcoming schedule emails.
    • User can get specific scheduled email by the Id stored in the database.
    • User can cancel scheduled emails.


Getting started

  • Clone the repository
git clone
  • Install dependencies
cd <project_name>
npm install

Create .env file at root directory of this project

# Environment vars

This project uses the following environment variables:

| Name       | Description                     | Default Value |
| ---------- | ------------------------------- | ------------- |
| PORT       | Enter PORT No.                  | 4000          |
| MONGO_URI  | Enter your MongoDB Database URL |               |
| JWT_SECRET | Enter your own JWT SECRET Key   |               |

  • Build and run the project
npm run dev

Navigate to http://localhost:<your specified port>

Project Structure

The folder structure of this app is explained below:

Name Description
config Contains the configuration files for database connection and jsonwebtoken
controllers Contains the functions to handle various express routes.
middlewares Contains middleware functions to handle request processing.
models Defines the data schema and interacts with the database.
routes Defines the application's routing logic.
.env Contains environment variables for the app.
.gitignore Specifies which files and directories to ignore in git.
index.js Entry point to the express app.
package-lock.json Contains the exact versions of npm dependencies installed.
package.json Contains project metadata and npm dependencies, and defines build scripts.

Api Endpoints


This app contains the following API endpoints.

User Endpoints

POST /api/auth/register/
POST /api/auth/login/
POST /api/auth/logout/

Schedule Email Endpoints

POST /api/emails/schedule-email
GET /api/emails/scheduled-emails
GET /api/emails/scheduled-emails/{id}
DELETE /api/emails/scheduled-emails/{id}