
Campcodes Online Matrimonial Website System 3.3 Cross Site Scripting


Description: Campcodes Online Matrimonial Website System Script v3.3 is vulnerable to an arbitrary file upload vulnerability, potentially allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code on the targeted server. The vulnerability arises from insufficient validation of uploaded files, particularly SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files. By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker can upload a specially crafted SVG file containing malicious code.

Attack Vector: An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by crafting an SVG file that includes malicious script code, which is executed when the SVG file is processed by the application's upload functionality.

Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could lead to arbitrary code execution on the server. This could allow the attacker to take control of the application and potentially the entire server, leading to data breaches, unauthorized access, and further attacks on the underlying infrastructure.

Affected Versions: Campcodes Online Matrimonial Website System Script v3.3 is confirmed to be affected by this vulnerability. Other versions might also be vulnerable, but this version has been specifically identified.

Mitigation: To mitigate this vulnerability, the vendor should implement thorough input validation and file type verification checks for uploaded files. Additionally, users are advised to update to a patched version of the software as soon as it becomes available.