Telegram + Openai Chatbot to answer audio messages...


I have recorded a quick video tutorial on this repository, you can watch it here.


  • create a .env file in the root directory
  • create GCP account, and get the service account credentials, then create a Cloud Storage Buckate, and make it public.
  • in the .env file replace the CREDENTIALS with your service account file value
  • replace the GCP_CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME with your bucket name

Run the code

  • for server uvicorn run:app --host --port 5000
  • for local uvicorn run:app --reload

Set the Telegram webhook

  • either deploy the application on the server or use NGROK
  • replace YOUR_BASE_URL with your public URL not the localhost
  • send a POST request to YOUR_BASE_URL/set-telegram-webhook
"secret_token": "any random string",
"url": "YOUR_BASE_URL/telegram"