
This is a repository for my YouTube channel.

Primary LanguagePython

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WhatsApp-OpenAI Connection

Hi everyone, this is repository for my personal demo project on connecting Twilio and OpenAI to provide answers to all the users questions using OpenAI GPT-3. This is written in Python and served with Flask. This bot can only handle:

  • text messgaes


I have recorded a quick video on the setup of this chat-bot, in case you want to replicate the work, you can watch it here.

What you will need

There are couple of things that you need before you get started following this repository.

  • OpenAI API key, since it is open to all, you can create an account here and access the key.
  • You need a Twilio project, you can get Account SID and Auth Token for that project, we will need this to make requests. You can get it from here.
  • API requesting application like Postman, Insomnia, etc.
  • NGROK for local testing.

How to use it

To replicate the work of this repository and run it locally, you need to follow these steps:

  • create a .env file inside the root directory, create these environmental variables:

This FROM variable in the .env file is same for the Twilio WhatsApp Sandbox.

  • create a virtual environment and activate it before installing the packages
  • install all the required dependencies from the requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • run the server with either of the following commands
python run.py
gunicorn run:app
  • start NGROK engine on the same port as the python application is running.
  • provide the NGROk urlon Twilio WhatsApp Sandbox for all incoming request.
  • test the setup using your WhatsApp

About me

I am Raj Kapadia, I am passionate about AI/ML/DL and their use in different domains, I also love to build chatbots using Google Dialogflow ES/CX, I have backend development experience with Python[Flask], and NodeJS[Express] For any work, you can reach out to me at...