Social Media Platform Backend

This project is the backend implementation of a basic social media platform with the following features:

  • User authentication
  • User profile management
  • Following and unfollowing users
  • Viewing posts from followed users
  • Creating, liking, and commenting on posts
  • Viewing likes and comments on posts
  • Scheduling posts



  • Create a user profile: Users can register by providing necessary information.
  • Login to the created profile: Users can log in using their credentials to obtain a JWT for authenticated requests.
  • Find and follow people: Users can search for other users by name and follow them.
  • View content posted by people you follow: Users can see a feed of posts from people they follow.
  • Like and comment on content posted by people you follow: Users can like and comment on posts in their feed.
  • Create content: Users can create new posts with media and/or text.
  • View likes and comments on your content: Users can see the likes and comments on their posts.


  • Create a post: Posts can be created by users to be displayed in the feed of their followers.
  • Like a post: Users can like posts from others.
  • Comment on a post: Users can comment on posts from others.
  • View likes and comments: The number of likes and comments on each post is visible.

Content Feed

  • Unique feed: Each user has a unique feed containing posts from users they follow and their own posts.
  • Likes and comments: The feed shows the number of likes and comments for each post.


  • Like and unlike posts: Users can like or unlike posts.
  • Unique like per user: Each user can only like a post once.


  • Add, edit, and delete comments: Users can add, edit, and delete their comments on posts.
  • Commenting restrictions: Users cannot comment on posts where the creator has disabled comments.

API Endpoints

1. Authentication

  • Login: POST /api/auth/login
    • Authenticates a user and returns a JSON Web Token (JWT).

2. User

  • Create User: POST /api/users
    • Creates a new user profile.

3. Find People

  • Search Users: GET /api/users/search
    • Finds users by their name.
    • Query Parameters:
      • name: The name or part of the name to search for.

4. Follow People

  • Follow User: POST /api/users/:id/follow
    • Follows a user by their ID.
    • Path Parameters:
      • id: The ID of the user to follow.

5. Content Feed

  • Get Feed: GET /api/feed
    • Retrieves the posts from users the current user follows.

6. Content Details

  • Get Post: GET /api/posts/:id
    • Retrieves the details of a specific post by its ID.
    • Path Parameters:
      • id: The ID of the post to retrieve.

7. Comment

  • Create Comment: POST /api/posts/:postId/comments

    • Creates a new comment on a post.
    • Path Parameters:
      • postId: The ID of the post to comment on.
    • Request Body:
      • content: The content of the comment.
  • Edit Comment: PUT /api/comments/:commentId

    • Edits an existing comment.
    • Path Parameters:
      • commentId: The ID of the comment to edit.
    • Request Body:
      • content: The new content of the comment.
  • Delete Comment: DELETE /api/comments/:commentId

    • Deletes a comment.
    • Path Parameters:
      • commentId: The ID of the comment to delete.

8. Like

  • Like Post: POST /api/posts/:postId/like

    • Likes a post.
    • Path Parameters:
      • postId: The ID of the post to like.
  • Unlike Post: DELETE /api/posts/:postId/like

    • Removes a like from a post.
    • Path Parameters:
      • postId: The ID of the post to unlike.

9. Create Content

  • Create Post: POST /api/posts
    • Creates a new post.
    • Request Body:
      • content: The content of the post (text or media).

Bonus: Scheduled Action

  • Schedule Post: POST /api/schedule
    • Schedules a post to be created at a specific time.
    • Request Body:
      • content: The content of the post (text or media).
      • scheduledTime: The time to schedule the post.

Database Schema

The database schema includes tables for users, posts, comments, and likes. An SQL file to create the required tables and an ER diagram are included in the project.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd Social-Media-backend-REST
    npm install
  3. Set up the database by running the SQL script provided.

  4. Configure environment variables for database connection and JWT secret.

  5. Start the server:

    nodemon app.js