
An AngularJS mashup to check current and forecasted weather of a city

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

WeatherCheck - AngularJS mashup to check weather

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This application is a Web 2.0 mashup developed using the following technologies:

i) AngularJS

ii) Twitter Bootstrap

iii) Highcharts

The backend is powered by OpenWeatherMap API (http://openweathermap.org/)

The main intention of developing this application is to get a hands-on experience on the technologies mentioned above and at the same time building an application to have a quick info of the current weather in a city.

DEMO http://www.rajapradhan.com/weathercheck/app

You can reach me at: rajapradhan08@gmail.com

To know more about me visit: www.rajapradhan.com