
Project 2 Group Project for INFO3180

Primary LanguagePython


Project 2 Group Project for INFO3180

While testing csrf is off. This should be re-enabled before final submit

INFO3180 VueJS and Flask Starter

This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 on the frontend and Flask as an API on the backend.

Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.

Project Setup

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build

Start Flask API

Remember to always create a virtual environment and install the packages in your requirements file

$ python -m venv venv (you may need to use python3 instead)
$ source venv/bin/activate (or .\venv\Scripts\activate on Windows)
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ flask --app app --debug run