
Playlyfe Javascript SDK for browser based client side applications.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Playlyfe Javascript SDK

The Playlyfe Javascript allows developers to access the Playlyfe API in browser applications. This sdk uses the OAuth 2.0 implicit grant flow to obtain an access token which can then be used to make API calls.

Visit the official Playlyfe Developers Documentaion. ##Usage

###Step 1: Include the Playlyfe JS SDK in your page. The js sdk requires an ajax transport to function properly. Since jQuery has become a ubiquitous library on almost all sites we decided to decouple the ajax transport from the core sdk to cut down the size. You must include either jQuery(or Zepto for mobile applications) before the Playlyfe JS SDK.

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="pl.min.js"></script>

###Step 2: Create a new client This initializes the playlyfe js sdk and attempts to connect to Playlyfe. Your Client ID and can be found in the clients menu in the Game Builder.

  client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
  redirect_uri: 'YOUR_REDIRECT_URI'

Note that the page at the redirect uri must also have the Playlyfe-JS-SDK script included and configured to successfully complete the Implicit Grant Flow and store the access token which will be provided.

###Step 3: Make an api call You can now make an API call to Playlyfe using the api function.

Playlyfe.api('/player', function(data) {

Complete Example

Below is a simple single page application that opens up a notification stream to receive notifications.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="pl.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var player_id = 'YOUR_PLAYER_ID';
      var env = 'YOUR_GAME_ENVIRONMENT ( "staging" or "production" )';
      var game_id = 'YOUR_GAME_ID';

      var notification_handler = function (data) {
        console.log("Received Notification: ", data);

      // Open up a front-end client
      var client = new Playlyfe.init({
        client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
        redirect_uri: 'YOUR_REDIRECT_URI'
      // If the user is not logged in then login
      if (Playlyfe.getStatus().msg !== 'authenticated') {
      } else {
        // Fetch a notification stream authorization token
        client.api('/notifications/token?player_id=' + player_id, 'GET', function (data) {
           // Open a notification stream for a specific player
           Playlyfe.openNotificationStream(env, game_id, player_id, data.token, notification_handler);



Initializes the sdk with the given configuration.

client_idClient ID of the application.
redirect_uriURI to which the user is redirected after approving the application on playlyfe.
debugPrint debug output in the console window. (default: false)

api(route, method, data, callback)

Execute an API call. Visit the complete API reference


Returns the status of the user's session since the last time playlyfe.com was contacted.


Returns a url that can be used to login into the application on Playlyfe. Can only be used after calling init.


Returns a url that can be used to logout of the application on Playlyfe. Can only be used after calling init.

openNotificationStream(environment, game_id, player_id, token, success_handler, error_handler)

Open a notification stream for the specified player in a game in a particular environment (staging or production). The token value here must be obtained from the route /notifications/token after authenticating the client. You can also pass in the token information from your own backend after generating it over there through a server side API to the /notifications/token endpoint.


If you have a problem with the usage, or face a bug, use the Issue-Tracker.

If you want to contribute to the code, then all our code resides in the src/pl.js file, and that's the file you'll need to look into. For building the library, use the build script located in the root folder. For using the build script, you'll need a linux machine and the uglify-js library (for minification).

For installing the uglify-js node package globally, write in your shell:

sudo npm install -g uglify-js

and then, run the build script:


... and when everything's all right, send us a pull request!


The MIT License