
My solutions to various Data Structure and Algorithm problems on different websites like InterviewBit, LeetCode, HackerRank, CodeChef, TechGig, GeeksForGeeks, CodeSignal etc.

Primary LanguageC++



This repository contains solutions of different coding problems from various websites and books, created with the intent to help someone with their coding practice or interview preparation.


Folder Name Number of Codes
Code Gladiators 2020 4
CodeChef 17
CodeSignal 73
Cracking The Coding Interview 11
GeeksForGeeks 7
Google Code Jam 2019 4
Google Hash Code 2020 2
Google Hash Code 2021 14
Hack the Interview - Global 6
HackerRank 135
HackerRank HackFest 2020 4
InterviewBit 148
LeetCode 217
Searching 2
Sorting 5
TechGig 2


The codes are mostly written in C++, and some are written in Ruby and Python. Regex problems are solved in Perl and MySQL queries are in SQL.

My Profiles

InterviewBit Profile

HackerRank Profile

LeetCode Profile

CodeChef Profile

TechGig Profile

GeeksForGeeks Profile

CodeSignal Profile

How To Contribute

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Do the desired changes (add/delete/modify)
  3. Write the link of the problem as the commit message
  4. Make a pull request
  5. Mention about the modifications clear