
This is an API based Epidemic Dashboard, currently under development.
We have used these APIs for data collection.

To Setup this project at your local, npm install inside ./Backend.
Then Run node ./Backend/app.js and pass in PORT.

We have taken up the currently ongoing pandemic as the main epidemic in context.

Working Principles

Run ./Backend/app.js to start the server (currently under development). The server reaches out for the APIs, requests relevant data, stores some of them in mongodb, and index.js uses that for necessary calculations and rendering on pages. There are currently 4 main routes availabe, and the initial one is rendered at process.env.PORT.

  • index - The Main Page
  • world - World Status Page
  • india - India Status Page
  • person - The User Status Page

We have used tools including:

  • npm for package management
  • node for server side development
  • HTML5 and CSS for webpage creation and design
  • express for route handling,
  • ejs for html data rendering
  • mongodb for database management
  • python for graph generation