Author: Rajat Arora Student Id: 917167815 CSC849 Assignment-2: Positional Inverted Index & Free-text Queries with Proximity Operator #Note: All programs are developed using Python3 in Ubuntu. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre-requisites: 1. Install pip3 for python3: $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip 2. Install nltk: $ sudo pip3 install nltk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steps to run program: 1. Run to generate dictionary.txt in the same folder: $ python3 #Note: Ensure that documents.txt is in the same folder as the .py file 2. Run to accept query as input: $ python3 3. Input query and the output is displayed on screen as well as appended to results.txt in the same folder. The three tested query outputs are included in results.txt. #For any issues please mail: