
Using constrastive learning for high quality MNIST representations

Primary LanguagePython


  1. Add the following to the local .git/config:
    name = Rajat Rasal
    email = yugiohrajat1@gmail.com
  1. conda env update -f environment.yml
  2. conda activate contrastive_learning_mnist
  3. pre-commit install
  4. poetry install



Fixed hyperparameters:

  • batch size = 256
  • epochs = 20
Activation Pooling LR Val Accuracy Train Accuracy
relu max 0.01 0.974917 0.981208
gelu max 0.01 0.978167 0.982437
relu max 0.03 0.975833 0.979625
gelu max 0.03 0.978083 0.982375
relu max 0.05 0.973417 0.979417
gelu max 0.05 0.973 0.979042
relu max 0.07 0.968833 0.969938
gelu max 0.07 0.970583 0.977521
relu max 0.09 0.95375 0.96275
gelu max 0.09 0.967583 0.975812
relu avg 0.01 0.977583 0.985771
gelu avg 0.01 0.968417 0.98625
relu avg 0.03 0.976167 0.984542
gelu avg 0.03 0.97175 0.985812
relu avg 0.05 0.979333 0.984187
gelu avg 0.05 0.98025 0.985104
relu avg 0.07 0.97425 0.980271
gelu avg 0.07 0.976417 0.982313
relu avg 0.09 0.973583 0.976896
gelu avg 0.09 0.977583 0.978625


ReLU better than GeLU when everything else is fixed - small batch sizes. For larger batch sizes, GeLU is better. Small learning rates.

activation pooling lr batch_size val_loss
relu max 0.01 1024 0.558239
gelu max 0.01 1024 0.540568
relu max 0.01 2048 0.528964
gelu max 0.01 2048 0.522437
relu max 0.001 1024 0.516201
gelu max 0.001 1024 0.513625
relu max 0.001 2048 0.527985
gelu max 0.001 2048 0.52203
relu max 0.0001 1024 0.624486
gelu max 0.0001 1024 0.62843
relu max 0.0001 2048 0.72802
gelu max 0.0001 2048 0.726901
relu avg 0.01 1024 0.594014
gelu avg 0.01 1024 0.496038
relu avg 0.01 2048 0.870534
gelu avg 0.01 2048 0.482411
relu avg 0.001 1024 0.486609
gelu avg 0.001 1024 0.492692
relu avg 0.001 2048 0.497761
gelu avg 0.001 2048 0.49835
relu avg 0.0001 1024 0.591419
gelu avg 0.0001 1024 0.588001
relu avg 0.0001 2048 0.686366
gelu avg 0.0001 2048 0.687941
neg_margin pos_margin embedding train_loss val_loss
0.25 1 256 0.00149231 0.00449065
0.5 1 256 0.0228083 0.0325808
0.25 1.5 256 0 0
0.5 1.5 256 0.00397437 0.0122953

TODO: Include a KNN classifier in the test and validation

python3 -m src.train -p avg -a gelu -l 0.01 --batch-size 2048 --pretrain --embedding 256 --pos-margin 1.5 --neg-margin 0 --preprocess

  • Common confusion between 4 and 9. How can we improve this? - dropout? - NO causes more confusion

  • Longer training - the confusion between 4 and 8 still present

  • Bigger embeddings dim - possibly... 512

  • Using STN, we can separate 4 and 9 but we then get confused between 3, 5 and 8.

  • Increasing intermediate from 32 to 50 improve disentanglement.

  • At this point we might need to try some learning rate decay. The components in the NN pipeline seem to be able to separate the classes, but we are not learning the network in the most appropriate way. python3 -m src.train --epoch 40 -p avg -a gelu -l 0.005 --batch-size 2048 --pretrain --embedding 256 --pos-margin 2 --neg-margin 0 --preprocess --stn --stn-latent-dim 16

TODO: Try intelligent augmentation schemes i.e. RandAugment

python3 -m src.train --epoch 20 -p avg -a gelu -l 0.005 --batch-size 2048 --pretrain --embedding 256 --pos-margin 2 --neg-margin 0 --stn --stn-latent-dim 16 --preprocess RandAffine

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