
Summer 2018 Internship project with the Devito Group at Imperial College London. Jupyter Notebooks with code to perform Full Waveform Inversion using Devito with Tensorflow distributed over a Dask-Kubernetes Cluster hosted on Google's Kubernetes Engine on the Google Cloud Platform.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Running Devito with Dask and Kubernetes

This contains the repo Dockerfiles, Kubernetes configuration YAML and instruction needed to solve a full-waveform inversion problem with Devito using Tensorflow on a dask-kubernetes cluster hosted on Google's Kubernetes Engine or Minikube.

Instructions for running on Minikube

  1. Open the docker-compose.yaml' file and change the imagevalue fromrajatr/devito-dask-kubetoYOUR-DOCKER-IMAGE-REPOSITRY/devito-dask-kube`
  2. Do the same in config/worker.yaml and kube/minikube/deployment.yaml
  3. Log-in to docker with docker login. Run docker-compose build scheduler && docker-compose push scheduler. In the case of http timeout, just try again. Then run docker-compose build worker && docker-compose push worker.
  4. Install minikube
  5. minikube stop && minikube delete (just in case there is already a minikube node running)
  6. minikube start --vm-driver hyperkit --cpus 4 --memory 8000
  7. eval $(minikube docker-env)
  8. Run all the configuration yaml files in kube/minikube with kubectl apply -f kube/minikube.
  9. By running kubectl get svc you should see that the svc-notebooks service has an EXTERNAL-IP which is . This is because minikube does not support the load balancer serive. You can get the kubernetes URL for the svc-notebooks service from your local cluster with minikube service svc-notebooks.

For additional help with setting up minikube, refer to Hello Minikube.

You may also need to alter the resource requests and limits for the workers (config/worker.yaml) or the scheduler (kube/minikube/deployment.yaml).

Instructions for running on Google Kubernetes Engine

  1. Set up a Google Cloud Platform project. Enable the Kubernetes Engine API within that project, then configure default settings for gcloud and create a GKE cluster. The code in the notebooks has been tested primarily on a cluster with 2 nodes each of type n1-highmem-4 (4 vCPUs, 26 GB memory).
  2. gcloud container clusters update YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME --enable-legacy-authorization to ensure there is no need for RBAC authentication by Kubernetes.
  3. Create a data storage bucket called fwi-data. If you want to use another name, then the c.GoogleStorageContentManager.default_path field in config/jupyter-config.py must be changed to the name of your bucket.
  4. gsutil cp notebooks/* gs://fwi-data to copy all the notebooks into the storage bucket.
  5. Pushing docker images to container registries, which will eventually be deployed inside pods in the K8s cluster, is also handled by docker-compose.yaml. In this case, the images are being pushed to GCP's container registry. Change the image option under scheduler_gcloud and worker_gcloud your own google cloud container registry. Then run docker-compose build gcloud_scheduler && docker-compose push gcloud_scheduler.
  6. Run all the configuration yaml files in kube/gcloud with kubectl apply -f kube/gcloud.
  7. Open the IP address returned by kubectl get svc | grep svc-notebook | awk '{print $4 ":80"} to view and run the notebooks.
  8. Remember to disable billing afterwards to avoid being charged unnecessarily.