
XMeme App created as a part of Crio's Winter of Doing Stage 2B

Primary LanguageCSS

XMeme: The Meme Stream App

XMeme is a simple meme stream app in which you can

  • add a meme
  • edit your meme
  • watch a full meme stream
  • the app is publicly available and deployed Here


XMeme was made with ❤️ using the following technologies:

  • Tailwindcss - A utility-first css frameworks with css classes to be directly used in markup
  • Handlebars - An awesome templating engine
  • Node.js - Evented I/O for backend
  • Express - Fast Node.js network app framework
  • MongoDB - General purpose, document based NoSQL Database
  • Swagger - Document your Rest APIs seamlessly with Swagger Docs


These tools came in very handy while developing the application

  • Postman - Industry standard for everything to do with APIs
  • Robo 3T - GUI to connect to MongoDB database, formerly Robomongo

Installation on AWS EC2 Ubuntu 18.04 x86

  • Deploy an AWS EC2 Ubuntu 18.04 x86 VM from AWS Console

  • Go to EC2 Instances Dashboard and add rules to enable port 8080 and 8081

  • The Security group configuration should look like below:

Security Groups

  • ssh into the ec2 instance

  • git clone this repo using the following command

$ git clone repo_url_here
  • cd into the cloned repo

  • Setup the Server and run basic tests using the test_server.sh by typing the following command

$ chmod +x test_server.sh
$ sudo ./test_server.sh

Creating the Docker 🐳 Image

  • You can simply spin up the application using Docker locally by issuing this command from root of repo,
$ docker-compose up -d # Start as background process
$ # add sleep script , sleep 300 would be a good estimate
$ # add test script below 

Note: Please make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed on your system.