
Primary LanguageJava

File-based Key-Value Store(JAVA)


  1. Java JDK.
  2. You need to download the json-jar file from https://code.google.com/archive/p/org-json-java/downloads.

How to use?

Step 1:

If you do not want to clone,go to step 2.Clone this repository to any desired location on your system:


or download as a zip file and extract.

Step 2 (YOU CLONED, see below if you did not clone):

Add the downloaded json_jar file from prerequisites to the build path.

Follow following steps to add a jar file to build path for Eclipse :

  1. Right-click the project folder and click Properties.
  2. Click Java Build Path in the left pane.
  3. Click the Libraries tab.
  4. Click "Add External JARs", select the JAR file that you downloaded, then click OK.

Now you can simply run the EndUser class in the default package to use your KVStore.Skip all the steps below and go to methods.

Step 2 (YOU DID NOT CLONE,using kvstore_JAR):

  • So you do not want to clone my repo,it is fine :(
    • Create a java project.
    • Download the kvstore_JAR file from my repo by clicking on it and pressing the download button on the right.
    • Add kvstore_JAR file as well as the jsonjar(See Prerequisites) file to your project's build path by following the below instructions.

Follow following steps to add a jar file to build path for Eclipse :

  1. Right-click the project folder and click Properties.
  2. Click Java Build Path in the left pane.
  3. Click the Libraries tab.
  4. Click "Add External JARs", select the JAR file that you downloaded, then click OK.

Step 3

Create a KVStore object.

KVStore obj = new KVStore();

Step 4:

Initialise JSON object with the json value you want. This initialisation might throw JSONException,so you might have to deal with that. After creating the JSON object,you can now call the methods that you want(Create,Read,Delete)

try {
JSONObject j1 = new JSONObject("{\"name\":\"John\", \"age\":30, \"car\":null }");

obj.create("John" , j1 , 10) // or obj.create("John" , j1);



The create function in the KVStore takes either 2 or 3 arguments.

create(String key , JSONObject value)

create(String key , JSONObject value , long TimeToLive)

If you create include the TimeToLive value while creation,then the created entry will be deleted after TTL seconds.


The read function in the KVStore takes either 1 argument.

read(String key)

This will return the JSON value stored to the corresponding key.


The delete function in the KVStore takes either 1 argument.

delete(String key)

This will delete the key-value pair from the storage.


The TTL property can be satisfied with the help of the schedule() function of the Timer class.

It takes two arguments.

schedule(task to be performed , time after which the task is to be performed in milliseconds) The task to be performed can be mentioned by over-riding run() of the TimerTask.

For example: schedule(task , 1000)

Here the mentioned task is performed after 1 second.


public class ClassName extends TimerTask
    public void run() {



Output after you run the EndUser.java file

Screenshot (6)