
Dynamic Multimodal Inference [CMU Spring 2024 Course Project : 11-785 Introduction to Deep Learning]

Dynamic Multimodal Inference [CMU Spring 2024 Course Project : 11-785 Introduction to Deep Learning]


This repository contains code used for a group project, as part of coursework at Carnegie Mellon University. The project deals with dynamically selecting an inference path for multimodal inputs. The selected path can use any subset of the input's set of modalities, resulting in computational savings when performing inference across data instances.

Our work is derivative of techniques proposed in the paper Dynamic Multimodal Fusion, whose source code can be found at https://github.com/zihuixue/DynMM

We run ablations of our own to verify the papers results on the task of 23-multilabel genre classification on the MM-IMDB dataset, released in the paper Gated Multimodal Units for Information Fusion. The pre-processed dataset is downloadable here and the raw dataset is downloadable here.

Our code is largely built on top of the MultiBench repository (see MultiBench: Multiscale Benchmarks for Multimodal Representation Learning).

Code structure

This repository consits of two git modules:

  1. https://github.com/Rajeevveera24/DynMM/tree/main and
  2. https://github.com/Rajeevveera24/MultiBench/tree/main

which are forks of the DynMM and MultiBench repositories respectively.

Our code set up

Following the set up instructions in DynMM, we use its code in the MultiBench repository.

As per the instructions, we perform the same set up steps (Steps arecopied from the original repo)

  1. Download MM-IMDB and CMU-MOSEI data from MultiBench
  2. Clone the Multibench repository.
  3. Copy folders from DynMM/ModalityDynMM to MultiBench
  4. We run the scripts mentioned in https://github.com/Rajeevveera24/DynMM/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#overview to verify the paper's results.
  5. The extensions, modifications and ablations we experimented with can be found in the latest commits here

If you wish to run our code, here is how you can set it up:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Go to the cloned repo's directory and clone the two gitmodules mentioned above.
  3. Go to the cloned MultiBench repository, create a log/imdb/ folder and follow these steps, but only for the mm-imdb dataset. Note that we do not have saved model weights/check points.
  4. You will have to train from scratch by running the steps in the link above.
  5. We have not created a separate requirments file - you will have to downloade dependecies as per what works for you. You might also have to adjust paths based on where your dataset file(s) is stored.
  6. For most scripts executed similarly, you should see results under MultiBench/log/imdb/default_run. You can train the relevant networks and save their weights in different directories by passing a --run-name <dir_name> argument to most of the train python scripts. The model weights get saved under MultiBench/log/imdb/<dir_name>

Project report

  • Not available yet