Poorman's Security

#. a) INTRODUCTION PoorMan's Security is an Encryption Decryption Algorithm. It provides rudimentary enhancements over RSA PKI Encryption. It is a JavaCalculus Application that heavily uses JavaCalculus Maths Package for encryption and Decryption. The PoorMan’s Security Algorithm has been designed and developed to demonstate the Power of JavaCalculus.

While RSA PKI uses a static fixed Equation, PoorMan's Security uses simple configurable Equations that serve as stages of Encryption and Decryption. The whole security is based on the security OR secrecy of the Private Key only (like RSA) . While the Equations used may be kept secret, the Equation to Values Mapping is hidden in the JavaCalculus Package and provides the second layer of Security.

The PoorMan’s Security Algorithm provides all the code and libraries used so there is no code used that is not under the User’s control unlike RSA PKI. PoorMan’s Security Algorithm only needs Java 8 (for running and Development) and the IDE (for development alone). As all the code used is under the User Control, User can use PoorMan’s Security Algorithm to develop / Research his or her RSA like Security Software with only the equations being changed.

For further reference, an implementation of Julius Caeser Cipher is included in the Java Package.( JuliusCaeserEncrypt && JuliusCaeserDecrypt in SecurityTestHarness File). The function SimpleKeySensitivityEncrypt && SimpleKeySensitivityDecrypt is the whole PoorMan’s Security Algorithm.

The PoorMan’s Security Algorithm is being released as a Freeware and OpenSource Software (But NOT as PUBLIC DOMAIN Software). Users are encouraged to download and configure their own requirements.

CAUTION: As PoorMan’s Security Algorithm is a new software, Users and user community are advised caution to Test and Check thoroughly and only then use PoorMan’s Security Algorithm in PRODUCTION.

The purpose of the release to public is to gather invaluable user feedback and comments on the software. 2. Packages a) JavaCalculus b) RandomNumber c) Security d) Log4j.jar

  1. RUNNING THE PROGRAMS Using Netbeans 8.2,
    1. Open PoorManSecurity.java.
    2. Right Click
    3. Select Run File

As a Chat Application ◦ Sender Receiver Mode Using Netbeans 8.2, Start Receiver Frist 4) Open Receiver.java. 5) Right Click 6) Select Run File Using Netbeans 8.2, Start Sender Second 7) Open Sender.java. 8) Right Click 9) Select Run File

Note: Program does not work if Sender is started first instead of Receiver

#Forming the Project Folder: i. Create data directory ii. Create logs directory. iii. Unzip Poorman's Security.zip. This creates the entire folder and package structure and populates the files.