
Easily create and host your own REST API without writing a single line of code

MIT LicenseMIT


How to easily create and host your own REST API without writing a single line of code ?

  • We will see how to easily create your own REST API server to be accessible on the internet without coding and without the need of hosting it on any hosting provider.


  • This concept is only used for get operation or display functionallity through githup.

Requirements :

  • Node.js
  • Git
  • Post Man

Setup local environment :

  • Create a new folder or project with the name API-Server-Without-Code.

  • Open the command line on the new folder.

  • Enter the following commands (Installing the Node.js)

    • npm init -y
      • This will create a package.json file inside your project.
    • npm install json-server
      • Create a new file with the name .gitignore with the entry for node_modules inside it so the node_modules folder will not be pushed to GitHub while pushing the code to the GitHub repository.
  • Create a new file with the name db.json, inser the following content:

        "users": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Rajkumar",
            "age": 22
            "name": "Shanmugam",
            "id": 2,
            "age": 50
  • Open package.json file and add the scripts section inside it:

    "scripts": {
      "start": "json-server db.json"

Deploy on local :

Deploy on githup: