
API for role based access

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. clone this repo using git clone in your local system.
  2. install all the dependencies using git install .
  3. create .env file and provide variables MONGOURL, SECRET_KEY, SALT, PORT .
  4. start server with npm run server.


POST /auth/signup Create a new user/admin account with email/phone or both email and phone, name, password, profileImage . role as Admin for admin account 201
POST /auth/login Allow users/admins to log in using email/phone and password. 200
PUT /user/updateprofile Users can modify their own name and profileImage. (protected/accessible by logged in user) 200
GET /user/viewprofile Users can view their own profile. (protected/accessible by logged in user) 200
DELETE /user/deleteprofile Users can delete their own accounts. (protected/accessible by logged in user) 200
GET /admin/users Admins can view details of all users and admins. (protected/accessible by logged in Admin only) 200
PUT /admin/updateuser/:userId Admins can modify details of any user's email, phone, role. (protected/accessible by logged in Admin only) 200
DELETE /admin/deleteuser/:userId Admins can delete any user account. (protected/accessible by logged in Admin only) 200


  email: { type: String, unique: true, required: true, lowercase: true },
  phone: { type: String, unique: true, sparse: true },
  name: { type: String, required: true },
  password: { type: String, required: true },
  profileImage: { type: String }, // saved as string in database but provided as file while signup or update
  role: { type: String, enum: ['Admin', 'User'], default: 'User' },