This project has several concepts of Kotlin implemented into a simple demo aaplication performing various tasks.
The Android Application is a simple Password Manager (hence the name PassMan) that has three activities. One for logging in, another to change password and last one to list all the accounts with its details.
As of now,the values of acoounts and its details are hardcoded as its just a demo application and will be integrated with database(probably Google Firebase as its easy and reliable) further.
The idea behind making this application is that we can just remember one password and can add,update all other passwords for different accounts at one place(and this will be achieved after the applicated is fully integrated with a backend).
- Adding new account details which will be done using a dialog box popping up on Floating Action Button click
- Updating existing details of an account
- Deleting an existing account
- Copying data on long click on the account info
The project still suffices to meet all the guidelines mentioned for the participation certificate.
- Subclasses/Inheritance
- Objects and Companion Objects
- Extensions
- Lambdas and Higher Order Functions
- Reflection
- Default Parameter Passing
- Extending Abstract Class
- Data Class
- Subclasses/Inheritance : Every activity in the Application (PassMan) extends 'AppCompactActivity'. All the functions of the superclass has been over-ridden and used in activities of the application.
class ActivityHome : AppCompatActivity() {
val accountDetails = ArrayList<AccountDetails>()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
In the above code the ActivityHome activity is a subclass of AppCompactActivity
- Objects and Companion Objects : Object Constants has been used to contain constants in a seperate Kotlin file and use it anywhere by just accessing the constant using <object_name>.<variable_name>
object Constants {
val clickButton = "Button Is Clicked"
This is the object created for constants
private fun onLogin() {
val pb_loading: ProgressBar = findViewById(
This is how it is been accessed
- Extensions : An extension function called showToast() is created which is of the superclass Context without editing the actual class. It can directly be accessed as Context class is automatically inherited by all the activities.
fun Context.showToast(message: String,duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_LONG){
This is the extension function
This is how it is been accessed
- Lambdas & Higher Order Functions : Many lambdas and higher order functions are used in seperate files for it to be reusable everywhere. One of it is isNullLambda as lambda function and canProceed() as the higher order function.
class ReusableTasks(context: Context) {
//Lambda function to check if string is null
var isNullLambda: (String) -> Boolean = {str -> str.isEmpty()}
//Higher order function for further action after string check
fun canProceed(string: String, lamFunct: (String) -> Boolean = isNullLambda): Boolean{
return !lamFunct(string)
The higher order function uses the lambda as one of its parameters
val performTask = ReusableTasks(this)
when (performTask.canProceed(enteredPass)){
true -> {
when (session.proceedAfterCheck(enteredPass)){
true -> { return true }
This is how it is been accessed
- Reflection : The application uses reflection while passing explicit intents fron onr activity to another.
val intent = Intent(this,
This is how it is been used
- Default Parameter Passing : The application has functions which use the feature of default values for parameters.
fun canProceed(string: String, lamFunct: (String) -> Boolean = isNullLambda): Boolean{
return !lamFunct(string)
The above code uses isNullLambda as a default value to the lamFunct parameter until specifically provided
fun Context.showToast(message: String,duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_LONG){
The above code uses Toast.LENGTH_LONG as the defauls value to the duration parameter until specifically provided
- Extending Abstract Class : In the AccountDetailsAdapter file for the recyclerview, the AdapterDetailsVH class extends the RecyclerView.ViewHolder abstract class. Hence the three functions viz getItemCount(), onBindViewHolder() & onCreateViewHolder() are to be implemented to the class compulsorily.
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): AccountDetailsVH {
val view: View = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.recycler_elements,parent,false)
return AccountDetailsVH(view)
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return detailList.size
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: AccountDetailsVH, position: Int) {
val accountDetails: AccountDetails = detailList[position]
holder.tv_account.text = accountDetails.accountName
- Data Class : The class AccountDetails which is the model class to the adapter of recyclerview is a data class containing all the variables declared in each of the accounts to be displayed in the application.
class AccountDetails(val accountName: String, val email: String, val password: String,var expandable: Boolean = false){