
Perform hyper-parameter tuning, training, testing and prediction with Keras

Primary LanguagePython

A Keras-based deep learning platform to perform hyper-parameter tuning, training and prediction on genomics data.


  • Docker
  • NVIDIA 346.46 driver
    • If you want to run on Amazon EC2, we recommend using EC2-launcher-pro which lauches docker jobs on instance (ami-763a311e) with matched NVIDIA driver and GPU computing enviroment set up

Quick run on the toy data

We prepare some toy data and toy model here.

To perform a quick run, first convert the data to desired format and save under $REPO_HOME/expt1, where $REPO_HOME is the directory of the repository:

for dtype in 'train' 'valid' 'test'
	paste - - -d' ' < example/$dtype.fa > tmp.tsv
	python embedH5.py tmp.tsv example/$dtype.target expt1/trial2.$dtype.h5

Then perform hyper-parameter tuning, training and testing by:

docker pull haoyangz/keras-genomics
docker run --rm --device /dev/nvidiactl --device /dev/nvidia-uvm --device /dev/nvidia0 \
    -v $(pwd)/example:/modeldir -v $(pwd)/expt1:/datadir haoyangz/keras-genomics \
	    python main.py -d /datadir -c trial2 -m /modeldir/model.py -s 101 -y -t -e

If everything works fine, you should get a test AUC around 0.86

Data preparation

User needs to prepare sequence file in FASTA format and target file for training,validation and test set. Refer to the toy data we provided for more examples.

Then run the following to embed each set into HDF5 format.

paste - - -d' ' < FASTA_FILE > tmp.tsv
  • FASTA_FILE: sequence in FASTA format
  • TARGET_FILE: targets (labels or real values) corresponding to the sequences (in the same order)
  • DATA_TOPDIR: the absolute path of the output directory
  • DATA_CODE: a customized prefix to put at the begining of all the output HDF5 files
  • SET_NAME: 'train','valid',or 'test' for corresponding dataset. The main code below will search for training, validation and test data by this naming convention.
  • BATCHSIZE: optional and the default is 5000. Save every this number of samples to a separate file DATA_CODE.h5.batchX where X is the corresponding batch index.

Model preparation

Change the model function in the template provided to implement your favorite network. Refer to here for instructions and examples of specifying hyper-parameters to tune.

Perform hyper-parameter tuning, training and testing

We use Docker to free users from spending hours configuring the environment. But as the trade-off, it takes a long time to compile the model every time, although it won't affect the actual training time much. So below we provide instructions for running with and without Docker.

Run with Docker (off-the-shelf)

docker pull haoyangz/keras-genomics
docker run --rm --device /dev/nvidiactl --device /dev/nvidia-uvm MOREDEVICE \
	-v MODEL_TOPDIR:/modeldir -v DATA_TOPDIR:/datadir haoyangz/keras-genomics \
	python main.py -d /datadir -c DATA_CODE -m /modeldir/MODEL_FILE_NAME -s SEQ_SIZE ORDER
  • MODEL_TOPDIR: the absolute path of the model file directory

  • MODEL_FILE_NAME: the filename of the model file

  • DATA_TOPDIR: same as above

  • DATA_CODE: same as above

  • SEQ_SIZE: the length of the genomic sequences

  • ORDER:

    actions to take. Multiple ones can be used and they will be executed in order.

    • -y [-hi 9]: hyper-parameter tuning. Output will saved under "$DATA_TOPDIR/$MODEL_FILE_NAME".

      • -hi: the number of hyper-parameter combinations to try (default:9)
    • -t [-te 20 -bs 100]: train on the training set. Output will be saved in the same folder as -y.

      • -te: the number of epochs to train for (default 20)
      • -bs: the size of minibatch (default 100).
      • The model for epoch with the smallest validation loss (best model) and the model for the last epoch (last model) will be saved.
    • -e: evaluate the model on the test set. Output will be saved in the same folder as -y.

    • -p data_to_predict [-o output_folder]: predict on new data.

      • data_to_predict: should be the prefix of the embedded file up to the batch number. For example, assume we are to predict on some sequence data prepared at /my_folder/mydata.batchX, where X is 1,2,3,etc., then data_to_predict should be /my_folder/mydata.batch.

      • -o: the output directory (default /my_folder/pred.mymodel.mydata.batch). Predictions for every batch will be saved to a separate subdirectory and split into different pickle files, one for each output neuron.

    • -r runcode -re weightfile: resume training from a weight file

      • runcode: the codename for this new run. The new model files will be the original ones plus .runcode.
      • weightfile: the weight file to resume training from.
  • MOREDEVICE: For each of the GPU device available on your machine, append one "--device /dev/nvidiaNUM" where NUM is the device index. For hsf1/hsf2 in Gifford Lab, since there are three GPUs, it should be :

     	--device /dev/nvidia0 --device /dev/nvidia1 --device /dev/nvidia2

Run without Docker (need to manually install packages)

Please refer to here and here to configure your enviroment.