
Q)What is it?

A Tic Tac Toe Game based on Minimax Algorithm.Develop an AI that beats the player in every game.Try your best to defeat it.
Q)How Does it work?
Creates a Game Tree and applies Depth First Search (DFS) to find the best possible move.
Randomises moves using the Random library funtion.

Improved minimax algorithm to maximise win chances.
That is, if the worst case scenario is a draw, a best case move(win), if available, is played.

Q)Improvement Details?
Check out the documentation here
Q)What next?
An Android Project Crosses and Noughts using this project as a Library

Version History


Player can now choose whether to play X/O
Player can now decide whether to play 1st/2nd


Code is now more modular


Improvement in Basic Minimax Algorithm
Randomisation Function Introduced