
Competitive Programming Training including Data Structure and Algorithms

Primary LanguageC++


Prerequisite - Basic knowledge of C++ (C++ Training Codes)

CPP Docs - Link

Day 1 - Array (PDF)

  • Asymptotic Notation
  • Big O
  • Time Complexity
  • Space Complexity
  • Basic Notations
    • O(1) - Constant
    • O(log N) - Logarithmic
    • O(N) - Linear
    • O(N log N) - Linearithmic
    • O(N2) - Quadratic
    • O(N3) - Cubic
    • O(2N) - Exponential
    • O(NN) - Exponential
  • Basics of Array
  • Reverse the Array
# Problem Name Practice Solution
1 Reverse the array GeeksForGeeks solution
2 Reverse String Leetcode solution
3 Find the maximum and minimum element in an array GeeksForGeeks solution
4 Complete Sum CodeStudio solution

Day 2 - STL (PDF)

  • Standard Template Library (STL)
    • Container
      • array
      • vector
      • list
      • stack
      • queue
      • set
      • map
    • Iterator
      • begin()
      • end()
      • rbegin()
      • rend()
    • Algorithm
      • swap()
      • min() & max()
      • min_element() & max_element()
      • minmax() & minmax_element()
      • sort()
      • find()
      • search()
  • Implement template array class
# Problem Name Practice Solution
5 Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations Leetcode solution
6 Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences Leetcode solution
7 Shuffle String Leetcode solution
8 Check If It Is a Straight Line Leetcode solution

Day 3 - Vector (PDF)

  • STL vector
    • Constructor
      • vector<type> v;
      • vector<type> v(size);
      • vector<type> v(size, fill_value);
    • Methods
      • Iterators
        • begin()
        • end()
      • Capacity
        • size()
        • capacity()
        • empty()
      • Modifiers and Access
        • operator[]
        • push_back()
        • pop_back()
        • insert()
        • swap()
# Problem Name Practice Solution
9 Value equal to index value GeeksForGeeks solution
10 Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s GeeksForGeeks solution
11 Cyclically rotate an array by one GeeksForGeeks solution
12 Palindromic Array GeeksForGeeks solution

Day 4 - Pair (PDF)

  • Implement template Pair class
  • STL pair
# Problem Name Practice Solution
13 Move all negative elements to end GeeksForGeeks solution
14 Count Items Matching a Rule LeetCode solution
15 Kth Missing Positive Number LeetCode solution
16 Plus One LeetCode solution

Day 5 - String & Numbers (PDF)

  • Reverse string
  • Reverse integer number
  • String palindrome
  • Integer palindrome
  • Fibonacci series with recursion
  • Fibonacci series with loop
# Problem Name Practice Solution
17 Number of Good Pairs LeetCode solution
18 How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number LeetCode solution
19 Palindrome Number LeetCode solution
20 Fibonacci Number LeetCode solution
21 Reverse Integer LeetCode solution

Day 6 - Bit Manipulation (PDF)

  • Bitwise Operators
    • | Bitwise OR operator
      • used to set bit to 1
    • & Bitwise AND operator
      • used to set bit to 0
      • used to get nth bit
    • ~ Bitwise NOT operator
      • used to inverts the bits
    • << Bitwise left shift operator
    • >> Bitwise right shift operator
# Problem Name Practice Solution
22 Number of 1 Bits Leetcode GeeksForGeeks solution
23 Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero LeetCode solution
24 Minimum Bit Flips to Convert Number LeetCode solution
25 Hamming Distance LeetCode solution
26 Complement of Base 10 Integer LeetCode solution
27 Binary Gap LeetCode solution
28 Reverse Bits LeetCode solution

Day 7 - Bit Manipulation (PDF)

  • ^ XOR Operator
    • data encryption
    • data decryption
  • find missing number from 1 - n range
  • find non repeating number
  • add 2 numbers without arithmetic operators
# Problem Name Practice Solution
29 Missing Number LeetCode solution
30 Find the Duplicate Number LeetCode solution
31 XOR Operation in an Array LeetCode solution
32 Decode XORed Array LeetCode solution
33 Single Number LeetCode solution
34 Counting Bits LeetCode solution
35 Count total set bits GeeksForGeeks solution
36 Power of Two LeetCode / GeeksForGeeks solution
37 Bit Difference GeeksForGeeks solution

Day 8 - Bit Manipulation (PDF)

  • (num & 1) == 0 - Check if the integer is even
  • x = x & (1<<n) - Get n-th bit
  • x = x | (1<<n) - Set n-th bit
  • x = x & ~(1<<n) - Unset n-th bit
  • x = x ^ (1<<n) - Toggle n-th bit
  • y = x & (-x) or y = x & !(x-1) - Get the rightmost 1's bit
  • y = x & (x-1) - Unset rightmost 1's bit
  • Find the two non-repeating elements in an array of repeating elements
  • swap numbers without temp variable
int a = 10;
int b = 20;

// method 1 : using arithmatic operator
a = a + b;
b = a - b;
a = a - b;

// method 2 : using bitwise operator
a = a ^ b;
b = a ^ b;
a = a ^ b;
# Problem Name Practice Solution
38 Find the two non-repeating elements in an array of repeating elements LeetCode / GeeksForGeeks solution
39 Find position of set bit GeeksForGeeks solution
40 Set all the bits in given range of a number GeeksForGeeks solution

Day 9 - Sorting Algorithms (PDF)

  • Sorting
    • Time Complexity
    • Space Complexity
    • Stablity
    • Recursion / Iterative
  • Comparision Function
  • Swap Function
  • Selection Sort
    • Time - O(N2)
    • Space - O(1)
    • Non Stable
    • Iterative
    • Inplace
void selectionSort(int arr[], int n){
	int min_value, min_index;

	for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++){  
		min_value = arr[i];
		min_index = i;            

		for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++){
			if (arr[j] > min_value){
				min_value = arr[j];
				min_index = j;
		swap(arr[i], arr[min_index]);

Day 10 - Sorting Algorithms (PDF)

  • Bubble Sort
    • Time - O(N2)
    • Space - O(1)
    • Stable
    • Iterative
    • Inplace
void bubbleSort(int arr[], int n){
	for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++){
		bool flag = true;
		for (int j = 0; j < n-1; j++){
			if (arr[j] > arr[j+1]){
				flag = false;
		if (flag) break;
  • Insertion Sort
    • Time - O(N2)
    • Space - O(1)
    • Stable
    • Iterative
    • Inplace
void insertionSort(int arr[], int n){
	int val, j;

	for (int i = 1; i < n; i++){
		val = arr[i];
		j = i;
		while(j>0 && arr[j-1] > val){
			arr[j] = arr[j-1];
		arr[j] = val;

Day 11 - Sorting Algorithms (PDF)

  • Merge 2 Sorted Array
  • Merge Sort
    • Time - O(N log N)
    • Space - O(n)
    • Stable
    • Recursive
    • Divide and conquer
void mergeSort(int arr[], int n){
	if (n < 2) return;
	int mid = n/2;
	int left[mid];
	int right[n - mid];
	for (int i = 0; i < mid; i++){
		left[i] = arr[i];
	for (int i = mid; i < n; i++){
		right[i-mid] = arr[i];
	mergeSort(left, mid);
	mergeSort(right, n-mid);
	margeArray(left, right, arr, mid, n-mid);

Day 12 - Sorting Algorithms (PDF)

  • Quick Sort
    • Time - Avg. - O(N log N), Worse - O(N2)
    • Space - O(n)
    • Stable
    • Recursive
    • Divide and conquer
int partition(int arr[], int start, int end){
	int pivot = arr[end];
	int j = start;
	for (int i = start; i < end; i++){
		if (arr[i] <= pivot){
			swap(arr[i], arr[j]);
	swap(arr[end], arr[j]);
	return j;

void quickSort(int arr[], int start, int end){
	if (start >= end) return;               // base condition
	int pivot = partition(arr, start, end);
	quickSort(arr, start, pivot-1);         // left arr
	quickSort(arr, pivot+1, end);           // right arr

Day 13 - Linked List (PDF)

  • Implement Singly LinkedList
  • Implement Node Class/Struct
  • Implement functions
    • push_front()
    • push_back()
    • display()
    • size()
    • last()
class Node{
	int data;
	Node* next;
	Node(int data = 0, Node* next = nullptr) : data(data), next(next){}

Day 14 - Linked List (PDF)

  • Implement Functions
    • pop_front()
    • pop_back()
    • search()
    • at()

Day 15 - Linked List (PDF)

  • insert array element to list at back in O(N) time
  • find mid element
    • by using length (2 iteration)
    • by using 2 (slow & fast) pointers (single iteration)
  • find ith element from last
    • by using length (2 iteration)
    • by using 2 (slow & fast) pointers (single iteration)
# Problem Name Practice Solution
41 Middle of the Linked List LeetCode solution
42 Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer LeetCode solution
43 Delete Node in a Linked List LeetCode solution
44 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List LeetCode solution

Day 16 - Linked List (PDF)

  • Reverse a Linked List
    • by creating new list
    • by stack
    • by 3 pointers
    • by push front same node
# Problem Name Practice Solution
45 Remove Linked List Elements LeetCode solution
46 Reverse Linked List LeetCode solution
47 Reverse Linked List II LeetCode solution

Day 17 - Linked List (PDF)

  • Loop Detection
    • using map / set
    • is cycle found
# Problem Name Practice Solution
48 Linked List Cycle LeetCode solution

Day 18 - Linked List (PDF)

  • Loop Detection
    • return cycle node
    • remove cycle
# Problem Name Practice Solution
49 Linked List Cycle II LeetCode solution

Day 19 - Linked List (PDF)

  • Check Palindrome in Linked List
  • Reorder Linked List
# Problem Name Practice Solution
50 Palindrome Linked List LeetCode solution
51 Reorder List LeetCode solution

Day 20 - Linked List (PDF)

  • Merge Two Sorted Lists
  • Add Two Numbers
# Problem Name Practice Solution
52 Merge Two Sorted Lists LeetCode solution
53 Add Two Numbers LeetCode solution

Day 21 - Stack (PDF)

  • Stack Interface
    • push()
    • pop()
    • top()
    • size()
    • empty()
  • Stack Implementation
    • array based stack
    • linked list based stack
  • Template Implementation of stack
# Problem Name Practice Solution
54 Implement Stack using Array Work@Tech solution
55 Implement Stack using Linked List Work@Tech solution
56 Valid Parentheses LeetCode, Work@Tech solution

Day 22 - Queue (PDF)

  • Queue Interface
    • push()
    • pop()
    • top()
    • size()
    • empty()
  • Queue Implementation
    • array based queue
    • linked list based queue
  • Template Implementation of queue
# Problem Name Practice Solution
57 Implement Queue using Array Work@Tech solution
58 Implement Queue using Linked List Work@Tech solution
59 Implement Queue using Stacks LeetCode, Work@Tech solution
60 Implement Stack using Queues LeetCode, Work@Tech solution

Day 23 - Stack & Queue Problems (PDF)

  • Min Stack
  • Next Greater Element
# Problem Name Practice Solution
61 Implement Min Stack LeetCode, Work@Tech solution
62 Next Greater Element Work@Tech solution
63 Next Greater Element II LeetCode solution

Day 24 - Stack & Queue Problems (PDF)

  • Tower of Hanoi
  • Expression resolution
    • Infix
    • Prefix
    • Postfix
# Problem Name Practice Solution
64 Tower of Hanoi GeeksForGeeks solution
65 Postfix Notation Work@Tech solution

Day 25 - Stack & Queue Problems (PDF)

  • Infix to Postfix Conversion
  • Simplify Directory Path
# Problem Name Practice Solution
66 Simplify Directory Path Work@Tech solution
67 Sliding Window Maximum Work@Tech, LeetCode solution

Day 26 - Binary Tree (PDF)

  • Binary Tree
  • Structure of Binary Tree
  • Traversal
    • Inorder
    • Preorder
    • Postorder
  • Number of Nodes in Tree
  • Max Height of Tree
# Problem Name Practice Solution
68 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Work@Tech solution
69 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal Work@Tech solution
70 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Work@Tech solution
71 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Work@Tech solution

Day 27 - Binary Tree (PDF)

  • Level Order Traversal
  • Iterative Traversal
    • Inorder
    • Preorder
    • Postorder
  • Identical Binary Trees
  • Symmetric Binary Tree
  • Invert Binary Tree
  • Diameter of Binary Tree
# Problem Name Practice Solution
72 Level Order of Binary Tree Work@Tech solution
73 Identical Binary Trees Work@Tech solution
74 Symmetric Binary Tree Work@Tech solution
75 Invert Binary Tree Work@Tech solution
76 Diameter of Binary Tree Work@Tech solution

Day 28 - Binary Tree (PDF)

  • Print each levels
  • print ith level of tree
  • zig-zeg order traversal
    • using stack and queue
    • using deque
# Problem Name Practice Solution
77 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Work@Tech solution

Day 29 - Binary Tree (PDF)

  • Left View of Tree
  • Right View of Tree
  • Build Tree link
# Problem Name Practice Solution
78 Left View of Binary Tree Work@Tech solution
79 Right View of Binary Tree Work@Tech solution

Day 30 - Binary Tree (PDF)

  • Top View of Tree
  • Bottom View of Tree
# Problem Name Practice Solution
80 Top View of Binary Tree Work@Tech solution
81 Bottom View of Binary Tree Work@Tech solution