Lots of links I tend to check and share.
- WebGL Explained - What is webGL, how is it faster and practical uses.
- Case Study: Red Bull's Airdrop - Lot's of technical hoop jumping and problem solving to get an game into Facebook Instand Gamge. Sharing WebGL context (pixi & threeJS), inifinite worlds, post-processing mist.
- " In many cases, overlaying HTML/CSS on top of canvas will result in performance drops due how the browser handles the compositing phase. "
- Frame rate independent animation - Frame rate independence is a must for any webGL application.
- Intro to vertex shaders and Three.Bas - Fast pased series of articles. Basics of WebGL, vertex shaders. And going further and beyond with Three.Bas
- Thread: Performance Tips & Tricks - Good tips for almost any ThreeJS app
- Case Study: Google Could Inf Experience - Showcases a lot of considerations involved in a webGL project. And how they solved them.
- "When setting up post-processing shaders in Three.js, it’s done by setting up a new offscreen render target making the browsers built in anti aliasing unavailable."
- Intro to Post-processing effects - Good intro to postprocessing if you already have a basic grasp on shaders. Goes from 0 to 100 in 1.3 seconds.
- Extending ThreeJS Built-in Materials -A good check if you are looking to do somethign custom with the built-in materials.
- AaronPenne's code - Simple and awesome Processing/phyton artwork with code and images. Good for learning if you are able to read phyton.
- Kjetil's Generated Space - Amazing sketches, all open source. One of my favorite generative artists.
- Sublucid Geometry - Explains "geometry" algorithms. Good visuals, and clear writing
- [Mathematical notation with JS comparations] - Don't fear academic papers / math notation anymore.
- Computing normals for distorted vertices - Lots of math jargon that went over my head. With the code at the bottom makes more sense.
- What forces a layout / reflow - All the ways javascript code triggers the browser to recalculate the style and layout. Batch all of them together
- [Matt's Graphic-Resources] - Game/gaphics. Lot's of old and broken links, lot's of amazing links