EEE 587: Optimal Controls - Robotic Arm

Data Collection for Bilinear Model

  • Arm is given random control inputs, and current box location, next box location and corresponding control input values are saved.
  • If box goes out of camera frame, a arm is reinitialized at a random location from which bix is visible again.
  • Data is used to fix weights for bilinear model, which helps predict the next box location given the current box location and control input.

Performance before Fitted Q Iteration (using initialized weights)

  • Weights for Q function initialized to w = 1, lambda_1 = 1, lambda_2 = 1.
  • Performance of arm visualized with these initialized weights.
  • Arm seems to track box in most cases but lots of oscillations seen.

  • State-action space (in camera frame):

Performance after Fitted Q Iteration Weights

  • Fitted Q iteration has been performed for iterations = 10, batch_samples = 2000, gamma = 0.9, exploration_policy = ~N(current_policy, 0.2)
  • No oscillations seen. Arm tracks box smoothly.

  • State-action space (in camera frame):

Required Python Packages


Testing File

  1. git clone
  2. catkin_make
  3. source devel/setup.bash
  4. roscore
  5. cd ./catkin_ws_py/src/simple_arm/scripts/
  6. python

Demo Video Links:

  1. Data Collection:

  1. Results with Zero Iterations:

  1. Results with Fitted Q-Iterations:

Misc. Notes:

To launch Robot Arm Nodes Alone (without Q Learning Node):

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch simple_arm robot_spawn.launch

Python scripts located at:



  • Richard S. Sutton, Andrew Barto, "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction"
  • Alex Lee, et. al., Learning Visual Servoing with Deep Features and Fitted Q-Iteration (paper, code/notes/slides)
  • Udacity Simple Arm URDF (link)