
project-zero-Rakatashii created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJava

Project 0: Banking App

Part 1


Leveraging Java 8, create an application that simulates simple banking transactions


  • Build the application using Java 8
  • All interaction with the user should be done through the console using the Scanner class
  • Customers of the bank should be able to register with a username and password, and apply to open an account.
  • Customers should be able to apply for joint accounts
  • Once the account is open, customers should be able to withdraw, deposit, and transfer funds between accounts
  • All basic validation should be done, such as trying to input negative amounts, overdrawing from accounts etc.
  • Employees of the bank should be able to view all of their customers information. This includes:
  • Account information
  • Account balances
  • Personal information
  • Employees should be able to approve/deny open applications for accounts
  • Bank admins should be able to view and edit all accounts
  • This includes:
  • Approving/denying accounts
  • withdrawing, depositing, transferring from all accounts
  • canceling accounts
  • All information should be persisted using text files and serialization
  • 100% test coverage is expected using JUnit
  • You should be using TDD
  • Logging should be accomplished using Log4J
  • All transactions should be logged

Part 2


  • Create an SQL script that will create a user in an SQL database and a table schema for storing your bank users and account information.
  • Your database should include at least 1 stored procedure.
  • Have your bank application connect to your SQL database using JDBC and store all information that way.'
  • You should use the DAO design pattern for data connectivity.