A real time chat app with instant messaging using ionic 4 nodeJs expressJs mongodb and socket.io
This is the front-end project, a working example is already deployed on heroku https://raken-hammed-chat-app.herokuapp.com/
First of all you need to have ionic
npm install -g ionic
then you must install the dependencies
npm install
You can change the global variable environement in src/app/services/url.service.ts value either to 'dev' to connect to test server or 'local' to connect to running local backend
export class UrlService {
environement: string;
url: string;
constructor() {
// this.environement = 'dev';
this.environement = 'local';
switch (this.environement) {
case 'local':
this.url = 'http://localhost:3000';
// this.url = '';
case 'dev':
this.url = 'https://infinite-fjord-33948.herokuapp.com';
Then run the app on web browser using
ionic serve