
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Flat Sharing Server

Welcome to the Flat Sharing Server project! This repository contains the server-side code for our Flat Sharing Server. This README file provides guidelines on how to build and contribute to the project as a team. Please make sure to follow these instructions to maintain a consistent and efficient development process.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Porgramming-Hero-web-course/l2-b2-fullstack-track-assignment-8-Rakibhasaniu.git
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd flat-sharing
  3. Please update the filename from .env.example to .env

  4. Install Dependencies:

    yarn install
  5. Start the Server:

    yarn start:dev

    The server will be running at http://localhost:5000 .

To create new Course you have to send course data in courseData object( shown below) via create Course endPoint:

  1. User Registration Endpoint: POST (http://localhost:5000/api/register) Request Body: { "name": "John Doe", "email": "johndoe@example.com", "password": "123456", "bio":"My Bio", "profession":"Developer", "address":"Permanent Address" } Response : { "success": true, "statusCode": 201, "message": "User registered successfully", "data": { "id": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016bvf", "name": "John Doe", "email": "john@example.com", "createdAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z" } }

  2. User Login Endpoint: POST (http://localhost:5000/api/login) Request Body: { "email": "john@example.com", "password": "password" } Response: { "success": true, "statusCode": 200, "message": "User logged in successfully", "data": { "id": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016bvf", "name": "John Doe", "email": "john@example.com", "token": "", } } 3.Add a Flat Endpoint: POST (http://localhost:5000/api/flats) Request Headers: Authorization: <JWT_TOKEN> Request Body: { "squareFeet": 1200, "totalBedrooms": 2, "totalRooms": 4, "utilitiesDescription": "Includes water and electricity", "location": "123 Main Street, Cityville", "description": "Cozy apartment with ample natural light and modern amenities.", "rent": 1500, "advanceAmount": 2000 } Response: { "success": true, "statusCode": 201, "message": "Flat added successfully", "data": { "id": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016ghs", "squareFeet": 1200, "totalBedrooms": 2, "totalRooms": 4, "utilitiesDescription": "Includes water and electricity", "location": "123 Main Street, Cityville", "description": "Cozy apartment with ample natural light and modern amenities.", "rent": 1500, "availability": true, "advanceAmount": 2000, "createdAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z" } }

  3. Get Paginated and Filtered Flats Endpoint: GET (http://localhost:5000/api/flats) Query Parameters for API Requests:

When interacting with the API, you can utilize the following query parameters to customize and filter the results according to your preferences.

searchTerm: (Optional) Searches for flats based on a keyword or phrase. Only applicable to the following fields: , location, description , utilitiesDescription(searching mode insensitive)

page: (Optional) Specifies the page number for paginated results. Default is 1. Example: ?page=1

limit: (Optional) Sets the number of items per page. Default is a predefined limit. Example: ?limit=10

sortBy: (Optional) Specifies the field by which the results should be sorted. Only applicable to the following fields: rent, advanceAmount, squareFeet , totalRooms , totalBedrooms

Example: ? sortBy=rent sortOrder: (Optional) Determines the sorting order, either 'asc' (ascending) or 'desc' (descending). Example: ?sortOrder=desc

availability: (Optional) Filters flats based on the availability.

Example: ?availiblity=true Response:

{ "success": true, "statusCode": 200, "message": "Flats retrieved successfully", "meta": { "total": 20, "page": 1, "limit": 10 }, "data": [ { "id": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016ghs", "squareFeet": 1200, "totalBedrooms": 2, "totalRooms": 4, "utilitiesDescription": "Includes water and electricity", "location": "123 Main Street, Cityville", "description": "Cozy apartment with ample natural light and modern amenities.", "rent": 1500, "availability": true, "advanceAmount": 2000 "createdAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z" }, // More flats ] } 5. Update Flat Information Endpoint: PUT (http://localhost:5000/api/flats/:flatId) Request Headers: Authorization: <JWT_TOKEN> Request Body: { "location": "Shelter ABC" } Response: { "success": true, "statusCode": 200, "message": "Flat information updated successfully", "data": { "id": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016ghs", "squareFeet": 1200, "totalBedrooms": 2, "totalRooms": 4, "utilitiesDescription": "Includes water and electricity", "location": "123 Main Street, Cityville", "description": "Cozy apartment with ample natural light and modern amenities.", "rent": 1500, "availability": true, "advanceAmount": 2000 "createdAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-24T12:05:00Z" } }

  1. Flat Booking Request Endpoint: POST (http://localhost:5000/api/booking-applications) Request Headers: Authorization: <JWT_TOKEN> Request Body: { "flatId": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016ghs" } Response: { "success": true, "statusCode": 201, "message": "Booking requests submitted successfully", "data": { "id": "9b0dadf5-10fd-41d1-8355-80e67c85727c", "userId": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016bvf", "flatId": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016ghs", "status":"PENDING", "createdAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z" } }

             "title": "FrontEnd Course",
             "instructor": "Rakib Hasan",
             "categoryId": "6576f1bb993c040c92243ca5",
             "price": 4990,
             "tags": [
                     "name": "Programming",
                     "isDeleted": false
                     "name": "Web Development",
                     "isDeleted": false
             "startDate": "2024-01-15",
             "endDate": "2024-07-14",
             "language": "Bangla",
             "provider": "IU Academy",
             "durationInWeeks": 26,
             "details": {
                 "level": "Beginner",
                 "description": "Detailed description of the course"
  2. Get Booking Requests Endpoint: GET (http://localhost:5000/api/booking-requests) Request Headers: Authorization: <JWT_TOKEN> Response: { "success": true, "statusCode": 200, "message": "Booking requests retrieved successfully", "data": [ { "id": "9b0dadf5-10fd-41d1-8355-80e67c85727c", "userId": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016bvf", "flatId": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016ghs", "status":"BOOKED", "createdAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z" } // More adoption applications ] }

  1. Update Booking Flat Application Status Endpoint: PUT (http://localhost:5000/api/booking-requests/:bookingId) Request Headers: Authorization: <JWT_TOKEN> Request Body: { "status": "BOOKED" } Response: { "success": true, "statusCode": 200, "message": "Booking request updated successfully", "data": { "id": "9b0dadf5-10fd-41d1-8355-80e67c85727c", "userId": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016bvf", "flatId": "b9964127-2924-42bb-9970-60f93c016ghs", "status":"BOOKED", "createdAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z" } }

  2. Get User Profile Endpoint: GET (http://localhost:5000/api/profile) Request Headers: Authorization: <JWT_TOKEN> Response: { "success": true, "statusCode": 200, "message": "User profile retrieved successfully", "data": { "id": "9b0dadf5-10fd-41d1-8355-80e67c85727c", "userId":"9b0dadf5-10fd-41d1-8355-80e67c8577y" "bio ":"John Doe", "profession ": "john@example.com", "address":"Permanent address" "createdAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z" } }

  3. Update User Profile Endpoint: PUT (http://localhost:5000/api/profile) Request Headers: Authorization: <JWT_TOKEN> Request Body: { "bio":"My Bio" } Response: { "success": true, "statusCode": 200, "message": "User profile updated successfully", "data": { "id": "9b0dadf5-10fd-41d1-8355-80e67c85727c", "userId":"9b0dadf5-10fd-41d1-8355-80e67c8577y", "bio":"My Bio", "profession ": "john@example.com", "address":"Permanent address", "createdAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-24T12:00:00Z" } } This endpoint allows users to update their profile information such as bio, profession, address