Operating System Code in Python 3
- Python 3 can be downloaded from here. Make sure to check Add Python 3.x to PATH during installation.
- NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib etc libraries can be downloaded and installed using the commands:
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install matplotlib
pip install library-name
or if you have multiple python version installed use this
py -3.9 -m pip install numpy
py -3.11 -m pip install numpy
Code for Academic Course CIT-322 (Operating System Sessional)
First Come First Serve (FCFS) (With Different Arrival Time)
jupyter File
Python File
Shortest Job First Non-Preemptive (SJF) (With Different Arrival Time)
jupyter File
Python File
Shortest Job First Preemptive (SRT) (With Different Arrival Time)
jupyter File
Python File
Priority Primptive (With Different Arrival Time)
jupyter File
Python File
Priority Non-Primptive (With Different Arrival Time)
jupyter File
Python File
Round Robin (With Different Arrival Time)
jupyter File
Python File
FCFS With Concurent Process
jupyter File
Python File
Lab - 1 == Peterson Solution (Producer Consumer Problem)
jupyter File
Python File / Python File Alternative
Lab - 2 == Mutex Lock (Protect Critical-Sections & Prevent Race-Conditions)
jupyter File
Python File
Lab - 3 == Semaphore Solution in Process-Synchronization (Producer Consumer Problem)
jupyter File
Python File / Python File Alternative
Lab - 4 == Semaphore Solution in Process-Synchronization (Dining Philosopher Problem)
jupyter File
Python File
Lab - 5 == Banker’s Algorithm (Deadlock Avoidance)
jupyter File
Python File / Python File Alternative 2 / Python File Alternative 3 / Python File Alternative 4
Lab - 6 == Deadlock Detection
jupyter File
Python File / Python File Alternative