Primary LanguageJavaScript


Front End

HTML , CSS , JavaScript



Tools and Dependencies

Bootstrap , Font-awesome , Ckeditor , Math-jax Plugin , Google developer tools , jquery etc.


  • A home page containing live notices.
  • An online compiler (gcc,g++,g++11,javac) to run code with/without input and show output.
  • A problem archive containing problems.
  • A contest page containing all the contests (open/closed) and their status (upcoming/running/ended)
  • A submission page showing all the submissions of users with verdicts and time of submissions,CPU time of submissions.
  • A profile containing profile picture and other information of a user.It also contains a pie chart of the summary of verdicts of the user.

  • An admin/developer can create new problem to the archive,create new contests,edit any problem or contest,delete any problem or contest,make any user an admin/developer, set/edit password for any contest .
  • All the pages of the website have some extra interface for the admin/developers to quick add/delete/edit anything.These features won’t be available to the general users.
  • An admin can add any contest problem to the archive just by one click.
  • An admin can post notices to the homepage.
  • An admin can post announcement to the contests.

  • Contest standing follows minute penalty and for each wrong submission the penalty is 10 minutes untill the submission get accepted.
  • Standing formula is number of accepted problems in Descending (first) and the total penalty in Ascending (second).



Dipankar Bala


As it is my first web project and i did not have knowledge about using compilers, i searched for open source codes to understand and practice to learn and develop myself . I found https://github.com/shawon100/RUET-OJ by shawon100 , learned the basic stuffs ,worked out a lot to understand how stuff works and finally i fixed bugs ,implemented my ideas, developed a lot of new features to my project SWE-OJ . Thanks to his project that gave me a good start when i knew nothing .

Also thanks to Shakirul ,Fahim, Shaswata ,Rezwan for their help and support.