This is the Backend for a blog application. It uses Nodejs,ExpresJs and connects to mongoAtlas. the frontend for it is also uploaded in a github repo,you can check it out on my profile. To make a user admin,change the userType in the database from user to admin.
It requires two env variables in .env file,a link for MongoAtlas and a key for jwt signing ->FOLLOW THE GIVEN STEPS TO SUCCESSFULLY CLONE A REACT APP FROM GITHUB REPOSITORY
#1.Creating a New Folder So, we'll create a new folder. You can name it whatever you want. I will suggest you pick a name related to the repo to be cloned, for easy detection. But the name ultimately depends on your choice.
#2.Getting the Code URL To clone the said React app GitHub repo, you have to possess the specific URL to open the GitHub repo on your browser.
#3.Cloning the React app's GitHub Repo Now, open the git bash window for the new folder you just created by right clicking on the folder and clicking Git bash here.
#4.On your git bash window, type git clone, paste the code URL of the GitHub repo, then run the command by pressing enter. git clone ‘the code URL of the github repo’ At the end of the process, if you did everything correct, you won't encounter any errors meaning the cloning process was completed successfully.
#5.Once you’ve completed the previous step, to create package-lock.json file and node_modules folder,open your terminal and change your directory to the name of the cloned folder.
#6.Once that is done successfully, you need to run 'npm install' . This will take some time to finish running.
#7.After successful completion of the above stated steps,follow the command below or simply run 'node index' in your terminal.