
CosmoXplore, where the celestial canvas unfolds its mysteries before your eyes. Immerse yourself in a cosmic odyssey, as we harness the power of NASA's API to bring you a symphony of space resources.

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Welcome, new contributors to CosmoXplore! We're excited to have you join us as we explore the cosmos.

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Steps to Contribute 👨‍💻

Give this project some love! Star⭐ the repo and follow @PranavBarthwal to stay in the loop.

  1. Fork the Repository: To make a copy of the repository in your GitHub account, click the "Fork" button located in the top right corner of the project repository page.

  2. Clone the Forked Repository: Clone the repository to your local development environment by opening the terminal or command prompt and executing the following command:

git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/cosmoXplore.git
  1. Navigate to your repository: Navigate to your new project directory by using the command:
cd cosmoXplore
  1. Create a New Branch: Establish a new branch for your profile using the command:
git checkout -b <branch_name>
  1. Add Your Changes: Add the modified files to the stage with the following command:
git add .
  1. Commit Your Changes: Save your alterations to the branch by executing:
git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message"
  1. Push to the Branch: Transmit the changes to the remote repository using:
git push origin <branch_name>
  1. Create a Pull Request: Submit your modifications to the main repository by generating a pull request. Click on the "Compare & pull request" button on your forked repository page.

  2. Wait for Review and Merge: Wait for the project maintainers to review and merge your changes.