##Adapted from
- aave/code-examples-protocol by mrdavey.
- fifikobayashi/AaveV2-BatchFlashDemo by fifikobayashi.
- PatrickAlphaC/aave-flashloan-mix by PatrickAlphaC.
- Clone the Repo.
- Open a Moralis Account and set a server
- Get a link to connect your metamask to Avalanche Fuji (This is the network used in the code)
- Copy the contents of the solidity folder into Remix.
- Connect your remix to injected web3 (Avalanche Fuji)
- Deploy the MockArbitrage and FlashloanDemo contract.
- Copy the addresses to the Logic.js in the UI folder.
- Launch the UI.
- Get Wavax from the Avalanche Faucet and Wrap some into Wavax (See references for the links to the Faucet and Wrapper contract)
- Create your own arbitrage by depositing Wavax in the MockArbitrage contract.
- Decide how much required Wavax your MockArbitrage will require to take the Arbitrage.
- Check the liquidity in the Aave staging protocol and provide your own liquidity if needed.
- Run the functions in the UI.