
Reverse engineering notes on the RK3566 EBC controller #pinenote

Primary LanguageC

Reverse engineering notes on the ebc_dev in the PineNote

Whats "done"

The folder done has what I believe to be done code in it. Noting that I do not have hardware on hand at this point in time to test on. I have not yet done testing if it compiles with the kernel, but 10000000% open to anyone doing this before I get to it.

These all are loosely cleaned up / named versions of the C output of ghidra, there is a lot of cleanup that can be done on these once they are a little tested.

Whats "In progress"


There is a memory mapped struct located at a splot in ram that wont resolve in ghidra,it has a length of 0x328 and is the ebc struct. Ghidra will need a manually made memory location for this.

Will need patch to support relocations NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra#3352 I've been working with my guess patch there for now.. so far its.. sane