WGU C195 - Software II

Scheduling Application

The purpose of this application is to provide a GUI-based desktop scheduling application based on a list of requirements provided by a global consulting organization that conducts businesses in multiple languages. The languages supported in this application currently are English and French. The organization has multiple offices including main offices in Phoenix, Arizona; White Plains, New York; Montreal, Canada, and London, England. This application supports created appointments for these locations as well as providing a means for adding new customers and reporting options.

Name: Christian Lopez

Email: clop111@wgu.edu

Application Version: 1.0.0

Date: 8/29/2021

IDE Version: IntelliJ Community 2021.1.2

Java Version: Java SE 11.0.10

JavaFX Version: JavaFX-SDK-11.0.2

To run this application, the libraries included in this application will have to be added to the project settings > libraries. You have the option to comment out lines 86-87 to enter the username and password yourself or run this application and login with the already filled out username and password fields. The username and password to use in this application is test/test respectively for reference purposes.

The custom report built for this project as part of the A3f requirement calculates the total number of customers by country and is represented by a pie chart.

MySQL Connector Version: mysql-connector-java-8.0.22