
Simple Tailwind template.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Tailwind Simple Template

This is a basic Tailwind starting template, there were some configurations when starting Tailwind that will be described below as a reminder.

About Node version

In order to run TailwindCSS we have to install / update our node to v14 our higher.

Install or update NodeJS version

We can run the following commands in order to install or update NodeJS and NPM packages

$ sudo npm cache clean -f

$ sudo npm install -g n

$ sudo n stable

$ sudo n latest


$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall nodejs-legacy


$ sudo n rm version

$ sudo npm uninstall -g n

Steps taken to install Tailwind CLI

First of all i created a package.json file, to do that run the following command:

$ npm init -y

Then we run the following command to install Tailwind as a DEV dependence:

$ npm i -D tailwindcss

After that we create tailwind.config.js file by running the following command:

$ npx tailwind init

The official Tailwind DOCs says that inside tailwind.config.js in content: we should copy the following string "./src/**/.{html,js}"* however what we do in this template is:

module.exports = {
    content: [
    theme: {
        screens: {
            sm: '640px',
            md: '768px',
            lg: '1024px',
            xl: '1444px',
        extend: {
            colors: {
                primaryColor: 'hsl()',
                secondaryColor: 'hsl()',
                tertiaryColor: 'hsl()',
                lightGray: 'hsl(0, 0%, 77%)',
                mediumGray: 'hsl(0, 0%, 50%)',
                darkGray: 'hsl(0, 0%, 23%)',
            fontFamily: {
                title: ['', ''],
                body: ['', ''],
    plugins: [],

That way we are setting every .html file into the root directory (./).

After that we create a input.css file with the following:

@tailwind base;

@tailwind components;

@tailwind utilities;

OBS: There is a possibility of a warning sign is showed because of the @ to fix that just go to configuration on VSCode than in the search area type in unknown, there will be a area with the following description CSS > Lint: Unknown At Rules, choose ignore, that will fix it.

Now we create NPM scripts so that we can run our TailwindCSS. Inside the package.json file are going to replace line 7 for these 2(two) command scripts:

"build": "tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./build/assets/css/style.css",

"watch": "tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o .build/assets/css/style.css --watch"

The first one will build our CSS directory and the style.css file, the second we run to keep Tailwind under watch to compile structures changes.

To run those we use npm run:

$ npm run build

$ npm run watch