
Open-Source Evaluation for LLM Application Pipelines

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Documentation https://pypi.python.org/pypi/continuous-eval/ https://GitHub.com/relari-ai/continuous-eval/releases https://github.com/Naereen/badges/ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/continuous-eval/

Open-Source Evaluation for LLM Applications


continuous-eval is an open-source package created for granular and holistic evaluation of GenAI application pipelines.

How is continuous-eval different?

  • Modularized Evaluation: Measure each module in the pipeline with tailored metrics.

  • Comprehensive Metric Library: Covers Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), Code Generation, Agent Tool Use, Classification and a variety of other LLM use cases. Mix and match Deterministic, Semantic and LLM-based metrics.

  • Leverage User Feedback in Evaluation: Easily build a close-to-human ensemble evaluation pipeline with mathematical guarantees.

  • Synthetic Dataset Generation: Generate large-scale synthetic dataset to test your pipeline.

Getting Started

This code is provided as a PyPi package. To install it, run the following command:

python3 -m pip install continuous-eval

if you want to install from source:

git clone https://github.com/relari-ai/continuous-eval.git && cd continuous-eval
poetry install --all-extras

To run LLM-based metrics, the code requires at least one of the LLM API keys in .env. Take a look at the example env file .env.example.

Run a single metric

Here's how you run a single metric on a datum. Check all available metrics here: link

from continuous_eval.metrics.retrieval import PrecisionRecallF1

datum = {
    "question": "What is the capital of France?",
    "retrieved_context": [
        "Paris is the capital of France and its largest city.",
        "Lyon is a major city in France.",
    "ground_truth_context": ["Paris is the capital of France."],
    "answer": "Paris",
    "ground_truths": ["Paris"],

metric = PrecisionRecallF1()


Available Metrics

Module Category Metrics
Retrieval Deterministic PrecisionRecallF1, RankedRetrievalMetrics
LLM-based LLMBasedContextPrecision, LLMBasedContextCoverage
Text Generation Deterministic DeterministicAnswerCorrectness, DeterministicFaithfulness, FleschKincaidReadability
Semantic DebertaAnswerScores, BertAnswerRelevance, BertAnswerSimilarity
LLM-based LLMBasedFaithfulness, LLMBasedAnswerCorrectness, LLMBasedAnswerRelevance, LLMBasedStyleConsistency
Classification Deterministic ClassificationAccuracy
Code Generation Deterministic CodeStringMatch, PythonASTSimilarity, SQLSyntaxMatch, SQLASTSimilarity
LLM-based LLMBasedCodeGeneration
Agent Tools Deterministic ToolSelectionAccuracy
Custom Define your own metrics

To define your own metrics, you only need to extend the Metric class implementing the __call__ method. Optional methods are batch (if it is possible to implement optimizations for batch processing) and aggregate (to aggregate metrics results over multiple samples_).

Run evaluation on a pipeline

Define modules in your pipeline and select corresponding metrics.

from continuous_eval.eval import Module, ModuleOutput, Pipeline, Dataset, EvaluationRunner
from continuous_eval.eval.logger import PipelineLogger
from continuous_eval.metrics.retrieval import PrecisionRecallF1, RankedRetrievalMetrics
from continuous_eval.metrics.generation.text import DeterministicAnswerCorrectness
from typing import List, Dict

dataset = Dataset("dataset_folder")

# Simple 3-step RAG pipeline with Retriever->Reranker->Generation
retriever = Module(

reranker = Module(
    output=List[Dict[str, str]],

llm = Module(
            answer=ModuleOutput(), ground_truth_answers=dataset.ground_truths

pipeline = Pipeline([retriever, reranker, llm], dataset=dataset)
print(pipeline.graph_repr()) # optional: visualize the pipeline

Now you can run the evaluation on your pipeline

pipelog = PipelineLogger(pipeline=pipeline)

# now run your LLM application pipeline, and for each module, log the results:
pipelog.log(uid=sample_uid, module="module_name", value=data)

# Once you finish logging the data, you can use the EvaluationRunner to evaluate the logs
evalrunner = EvaluationRunner(pipeline)
metrics = evalrunner.evaluate(pipelog)
metrics.results() # returns a dictionary with the results

To run evaluation over an existing dataset (BYODataset), you can run the following:

dataset = Dataset(...)
evalrunner = EvaluationRunner(pipeline)
metrics = evalrunner.evaluate(dataset)

Synthetic Data Generation

Ground truth data, or reference data, is important for evaluation as it can offer a comprehensive and consistent measurement of system performance. However, it is often costly and time-consuming to manually curate such a golden dataset. We have created a synthetic data pipeline that can custom generate user interaction data for a variety of use cases such as RAG, agents, copilots. They can serve a starting point for a golden dataset for evaluation or for other training purposes. Below is an example for Coding Agents. Try out this demo: Synthetic Data Demo

💡 Contributing

Interested in contributing? Contributions to LlamaIndex core as well as contributing integrations that build on the core are both accepted and highly encouraged! See our Contribution Guide for more details.



This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.

Open Analytics

We monitor basic anonymous usage statistics to understand our users' preferences, inform new features, and identify areas that might need improvement. You can take a look at exactly what we track in the telemetry code

To disable usage-tracking you set the CONTINUOUS_EVAL_DO_NOT_TRACK flag to true.